On Food and Cooking
viscosity. After reduction, the concentration of starch in these sauces is around 5%, the gelatin concentration pr ...
black sauce, you should heat up a little fat and brown a small spoonful of wheat flour in the fat and af ...
of milk and flour proteins that forms at the surface. Starch is more effective at thickening milk t ...
Gravy We come now to the homely Anglo-American cousin of French sauces, the starch-thickened gravy typically made ...
tablespoons/10–20 gm flour. The mixture is cooked until it thickens, a matter of a few minutes. Escoffier on ...
however, generally remain loyal to flour. Because they’re made at the last minute, gravies are not cooked long ...
Some of the most delicious sauces we eat, including tomato sauces and applesauce, are made simply by crushin ...
they’re raw or cooked. Plant Particles: Coarse and Inefficient Thickeners Compared to the other ways of thickening ...
because the fragments are usually denser than the cell fluids, they end up sinking and separating from the fluids. ...
purify,” and a specific one: to drain excess water from beans and peas left to soak. The beans a ...
blender, several minutes or more. Straining through a sieve or cheesecloth removes the large particles, and forcin ...
fluids and breaking the cell walls and other structures into small particles. A puree is a mixture of pla ...
The binding power of the puree particles themselves can be supplemented by adding some other thickener, dry spi ...
changeable. Pureeing mixes the cell contents with each other and with oxygen in the air, so enzyme act ...
the processor all produce different proportions of intact and broken cells. The more thoroughly the cells ar ...
vegetable and make it less watery. However, such vegetables are best crushed gently, without breaking ...
the world, is tomato sauce and paste. The solids in tomatoes are about two-thirds flavorful sugars an ...
Tomato Enzymes and Consistency The final consistency of a tomato puree depends not just on how much ...
remove water and concentrate it, the high temperatures break the already enzyme- damaged molecules into smaller pie ...
Canned tomato puree8–240.8–2.4 Canned tomato paste 404 Tomato Enzymes and Flavor In addition to tomato enzymes that ...
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