On Food and Cooking
West Africa, the seeds are eaten fresh, canned, boiled, roasted, and made into porridges and cakes. Azuki ...
angustifolius, luteus). They’re unusual because they contain no starch — they’re 30– 40% protein, 5–10% oi ...
spread was probably contemporary with and encouraged by the vegetarian doctrine of Buddhism. They were l ...
“beany” flavor. And when cooked whole as other beans are, they don’t become appealingly creamy; since they ...
specialized varieties harvested at 80% maturity, still sweet and crisp and green, then boiled for a few ...
In the West, soymilk has become a popular alternative to cow’s milk, with a roughly similar protein and fat cont ...
The Beany Flavor of Soybeans The strong aroma of simply cooked soybeans results from two qualities: th ...
chance to attack the oils. This is done by soaking the beans to speed subsequent cooking, and then ...
milk, a concentrated mass of protein and oil formed by coagulating the dissolved proteins with salts that ...
the curd is broken up to release water and drained. The resulting mass is then pressed for 15–25 mi ...
The sponge is then ready to absorb flavorful cooking liquids, and has a chewier, meatier texture. An ...
insipid, but very good dressed as I say and excellent fried in butter. Fermented Bean Curd Sufu (tou ...
stages. In the first, dormant green spores of Aspergillus molds are mixed with cooked grains or soyb ...
foods that the ancient Chinese fermented in brine were pieces of meat or fish. These were eve ...
Bean paste, to-pan chiang, essentially a chunky wheat-barley-soy miso, used to make savory sauces Hoisin sauc ...
aromatics, and delicacy. Until the 15th century, Japanese soy sauce was simply the excess fluid, or tamari, lad ...
provide bacteria and yeasts). In traditional miso making, the mixture is allowed to ferment (and eventually age) ...
flavor of traditional soy sauce depends on the proportions of soybeans and wheat. Most Chinese soy sauces, and Ja ...
minutes, the particles gather around the center of the bowl in discrete little clouds that slowly chan ...
Japanese Soy Sauce Most of the soy sauce sold in the West is made in Japan or in the Japa ...
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