On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

sauerkraut and olives include North African
preserved lemons, the pickled plums,
radishes, and other vegetables of Japan, and
the highly spiced, multifarious pickled fruits
and vegetables of India.

The Nature of Fermentation Preserving
fruits and vegetables by fermentation is based
on the fact that plants are the natural home of
certain benign microbes which in the right
conditions — primarily the absence of air —
will flourish and suppress the growth of other
microbes that cause spoilage and disease.
They accomplish this suppression by being
the first to consume the plant material’s
readily metabolized sugars, and by producing
a variety of antimicrobial substances,
including lactic and other acids, carbon
dioxide, and alcohol. At the same time, they
leave most of the plant material intact,
including its vitamin C (protected from
oxidation by the carbon dioxide they

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