On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

The Iliad by Homer, translated by Robert
Fagles, copyright © 1990 by Robert Fagles.
Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a
division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
Micrographs of meat fibers and oil
droplets from Palmer, Helen Hanson; Osman,
Elizabeth; Campbell, Ada Marie; Bowers,
Jane; Drahn, Marcia; Palumbo, Mary;
Jacobson, Marion; Charley, Helen G.;
Berkeley, Selma; Food Theory and
Applications, 1st edition, copyright ©1986.
Reprinted by permission of Pearson
Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Micrograph of wheat grain courtesy of Ann
Hirsch. Flour micrographs from R.C. Hoseney
and P.A. Seib, Structural differences in hard
and soft wheats. Bakers Digest 47 (1973): 26–

  1. Reprinted by permission.
    Micrographs of gluten from J.E. Bernardin
    and D.D. Kasarda, The microstructure of
    wheat protein fibrils. Cereal Chemistry
    40(1973): 735–45. Reprinted by permission.

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