On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1
in  a   pot on  a   fair    fire,   and throw   in  the
yolks, and stir it well, but let it not boil, till
it be thick; and throw in sugar, saffron, and
salt, mace, gillyflowers and galingale [a
relative of ginger] ground small, and
powdered cinnamon; and when you serve
it, sprinkle with powdered ginger,
cinnamon, and nutmeg.
— Harleian MS 279, ca. 1425

For four cups of Zabaglone get twelve
fresh egg yolks, three ounces of sugar, half
an ounce of good cinnamon and a beaker of
good sweet wine. Cook this until it is as
thick as a broth, then take it out and set it
on a plate in front of the boys. And if you
like you can add a bit of fresh butter.
— Cuoco Napoletano, ca. 1475, transl.
Terence Scully
From Zabaglione to Sabayon The recipe trail
for yolk foams is spotty. Zabaglione — from a

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