The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

(singke) #1

cleansing and detoxification 103

form of exercise will speed the release of toxins
from the body. Saunas
will help.
Emotional effects Te a

Tea is a stimulant like coffee, but it doesn’t kick
the adrenal glands quite so hard, so in some
ways it’s a little gentler on the body and, of
course, the emotions.
Physical effects Lack of tea will slow down bowel function to

a degree, and low energy will be a problem. Be-
cause tea contains a lot of tannin, you will grad-
ually benefit from improved digestion and iron

Tips and procedures
to help the detoxifi -
cation process The body won’t feel as toxic as when coming

off coffee. Please follow suggestions for coffee,
as many of them will apply. Try green tea for a
greater fla vo noid- and antioxidant-rich alterna-
tive to help flagging energy. Finally, switch to
herbal teas. Those that will be stimulative are
rosemary leaf and flower, lavender flower, pep-
permint leaf, and prickly ash berry — alternate

Emotional effects Alcohol

(People with a recognized problem will need to
attend AA or another similar program.)
Physical effects You may feel vulnerable, craving, depressed,

sad, angry, and low; anxious, paranoid, and irri-
table; fuzzy-headed and generally emotional or

Tips and procedures
to help the detoxifi -
cation process Common signs of alcohol withdrawal are shak-

iness and low blood sugar from a lack of alcohol
sugars. The liver will be reflecting gastrointesti-
nal difficulties, head aches, nausea (vomiting).
You may get fevers, chills, and cramps, or hal-
lucinations and seizures at worst.
Read the information on coffee — most of it
will apply. Use St. John’s wort to help with de-
pression if it is appropriate. Milk thistle seed
will help to protect the liver cells and encourage
their regrowth. Support nutrition. Drink super-
food because heavy drinkers are used to “empty”
calories, and nutritional deficiency is probably
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