The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

(singke) #1

immunity 125

general immunity formula

Immunity formulas vary according to an individual’s needs or chosen
direction of aid. Immune herbs will stimulate, disarm, and destroy fungi,
viruses, and bacteria, while other herbs may be added to support different
organs and systems, including the liver, lymph system, bowel, and
circulatory system. A combination that includes red clover fl ower, Pfaffi a
root, echinacea root, chamomile fl ower, thyme leaf, pokeweed root, myrrh
resin, barberry root bark, Chinese rhubarb root, cayenne pod, red
raspberry leaf, arborvitae leaf, lobelia leaf, turmeric rhizome, pine needle,
pau d’arco inner bark, burdock root, licorice root, and elder fl ower and
berry would make a good formula. Using only one or two of these herbs
would do equally well, however, and a selection would be best made with
the help of a qualifi ed herbalist using tinctures if possible.
Take approximately 1 teaspoon of your chosen herb formula selection
three times daily for ten days and then, after a two- or four-day break,
continue with 1 teaspoon three times daily for weeks, months, or longer in
some cases. Addition of tonic support may be needed for deep-seated
chronic conditions.
If the problem is very exhausting, supportive nutrition and nurturing
herbs will be vital, as they will tone and build while giving gentle energy
to the nervous, digestive, hormonal, and other systems. Such herbs might
be slippery elm inner bark, Siberian ginseng root, dandelion root,
burdock root, Schisandra berry, Rehmannia root, elecampane root, skullcap
leaf, gentian root, nettle leaf, Astragalus root, saw palmetto berry, seaweed,
red raspberry leaf, marshmallow root, fenugreek seed, lobelia leaf, and
Chinese licorice root.
The Essiac formula is an old, yet still very effective, immunity formula
that belonged originally to the Native Americans. It contains slippery elm
inner bark, Chinese rhubarb root, burdock root, and sheep sorrel leaf. This
formula takes into account some important basics — immune support,
supportive tonic help, and bowel and liver detoxifi cation. It is also highly
regarded as a preventative and as a treatment for cancer.

specific virus fighters

Viruses are a problem for modern medicine, but many antiviral
compounds are found in seaweed, fungi, and higher plants. Via a number
of mechanisms, they are able to invade and disarm the viral cells. Clinical
analysis needs to increase on this subject, but enough evidence exists that
proves many plants’ worthiness as potent antivirals. They include
turmeric, lemon balm, olive, arborvitae, juniper, and oregano; there are
hundreds more.

125 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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