Plant hormone precursors are invaluable for feeding exhausted or trigger-
happy (that is, underactive or overactive) adrenals. They are present in
wild yam root, Chinese licorice root, and Siberian ginseng root.
Marshmallow root, Astragalus root, and Schisandra berry also provide
bedrock tonic support. Take chamomile fl ower and skullcap leaf tea at
bedtime. Drink one cup of parsley leaf tea a day.
natural healing
The advice that applies to the kidneys is also applicable to the adrenal
glands. On the whole, the body requires appropriate exercise and rest.
Burning the candle at both ends should be avoided. Good sleeping habits
are vital as well as catnapping, which can be a very useful habit to develop,
as it conserves and restores energy.
The Reproductive System
Without hormones, the whole intricate network of our beings would
cease to exist, not just sexually and reproductively but in a more widely
functioning sense. As hormones surge through the bloodstream, they
continuously send vital instructions to all parts of the body. In fact, the
word hormone, describing this active and constant transmission, comes
from the Greek word meaning “to excite.”
We all seem to know about testosterone, estrogen, and
progesterone — hormones that have a particular infl uence over our
reproductive systems. But there are many more hormones — fi fty located
by science so far — infl uencing many aspects of our metabolism (see
chapter 8).
Women have a very complex reproductive system. Consequently, a
great deal of their daily energy is drawn toward its functioning and
upkeep, from monthly menstruation to childbirth, breast-feeding, and
menopause. The end result is that women are statistically three times
more immunally vulnerable than men are. They constantly need to tend
their bodies in a way that is not so vital for men. Men and women store
hormones, semen, and other vital essences needed not only for their
sexual and reproductive lives but also for general vitality and strength,
especially of their immune systems. Therefore the hormones — and the
body as a whole — must be nourished and rested accordingly.
Avoid foods that contain synthetic hormones and steroids, such as dairy
products and meat. It also helps to avoid fast foods wrapped in plastics
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