The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 245

lymph glands in the neck swell and, very occasionally, there are rashes, a
sore throat, or digestive upset.
A blood test will confi rm mononucleosis, and early diagnosis can be
useful, as it can last for months. It should be handled very, very carefully,
as postviral fatigue syndrome can easily ensue if the body’s energies are
not supported and fortifi ed. It has become a common precursor of
myalgic encephalomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome)

  • Excellent food programs will be vital: start with juices and superfood.

(^) - Reduce protein intake (meat, eggs, fi sh).
~ Perform colon, liver, and kidney cleanses, and use herbs for these
areas (see chapter 6).
f Siberian ginseng root or Astragalus root, or both, will be vital for
general long-term adaptogenic support.
f Immune herbs such as echinacea root, myrrh resin, and pokeweed
root alongside blood cleansers like burdock root and dandelion root
will be needed.
~ Include very moderate exercise and massage.

multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy,

and myasthenia gravis

Multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and myasthenia gravis involve the
slow destruction of the sheath covering the nerve endings — the myelin
sheath — which then becomes replaced by scar tissue. We do not know what
causes these diseases, but some speculate about a virus that encourages the
immune system to kill myelin-producing cells using overzealous killer T
cells — an autoimmune reaction. Muscular weakness, pins and needles, co-
ordination impairment, and vertigo all complicate movement and produce
intense pain. These diseases can be inherited, and all require professional
help. Immune-system abnormalities are often the reason behind neuro-
logical breakdowns. Whether under viral, bacterial, or parasitic attack, the
immune system must be supported; likewise the hormonal system.

  • Good food rich in B vitamins and other nerve foods, must predomi-
    nate. Include whole foods and plenty of water, but absolutely no dairy
    products or wheat. Herbalist Richard Schulze makes the point that
    nerve foods like spirulina and nonactive yeasts enter the bloodstream
    and are used very quickly, with little digestion required. Superfood
    would be ideal.

f Take evening primrose oil capsules (or any source of GLA) and fl ax-
seed oil capsules.

f Take supportive and immune herbs like Siberian ginseng root and

245 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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