The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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246 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

Pfaffi a root, but do not ingest echinacea root.

f Take nerve tonics, including lobelia leaf, as well as hormone-regulatory
herbs (see chapter 9).

f Dr. Richard Schulze uses a formula designed to build, stimulate, and
awaken. It contains three parts each of oat straw, skullcap leaf, and
St. John’s wort fl ower; two parts each of lavender fl ower, celery seed,
and kola nut; and one part each of coffee beans and lobelia leaf. The
coffee in this formula is in stimulative, therapeutic quantities and
should be organic; ordinarily it must not be consumed. You can sub-
stitute prickly ash bark if you prefer, or use it as well as the coffee — in
which case, halve the amount of coffee beans used. Take small
amounts initially, as this mixture will not suit everyone. (A few doses
will let you know.)

~ Take hot and cold showers, along with other hydrotherapy and massage.

~ Liver, kidney, and colon cleanses are absolutely vital (see chapter 6).


Mumps, a viral infection, results from toxic mucus accumulation in the
body. It takes two or three weeks to incubate and is usually caught from
other children, indicating that your child’s immune and glandular systems
are a little low or clogged. The infectious time is one day before the
glands swell until three days after they have gone down; they can be
swollen for three to seven days. The face will look swollen because the
glands around the tonsils and the salivary glands are highly infl amed,
causing diffi culty in swallowing, probably the most uncomfortable

  • Organic vegetable juices, such as carrot, are helpful during the acute
    attack and during recovery.

(^) - Drink plenty of water, followed by lemon juice and water when the
throat pain is over. Take fresh vegetable and fruit juices during
the swollen phase and then graduate to salads, raw foods, rice, and
lots of garlic.
f You may also like to use the herbal B & B ear formula in chapter 11.
f Internally, a formula that aids the immune system, clears the liver,
cleans the blood, and clears the lymph will be needed: use three parts
of echinacea root; two parts each of red clover fl ower, pokeweed root,
mullein fl ower, and cleavers leaf; and one part of lobelia leaf. Sepa-
rately, mullein fl ower tea would be excellent.
(^) ~ Frequent gargling is helpful (see the mouth gargle in chapter 11).
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