Liver spots, 234–35
Lobelia, 176, 236, 275
Lungs. See Respiratory system
Mace, 49
Macrophages, 105
Magnesium, 57–58
Mahonia, 19
Marijuana, 175
Marjoram, 48
Massage, 72–73, 183
Mastitis, 191–92
Mastoiditis, 212
Meadowsweet, 151
Measles, 237–38. See also German measles
Meat, 45, 54–55
Medicine, conventional
dangers of, 1, 2–3
use of, 2, 268
Medicines and Healthcare Products
Regulatory Agency (MHRA), 5, 6, 24,
Mendelsohn, Robert, 2
Ménière’s disease, 258–59
Menopause, 144–48
Menorrhagia, 260
Menstruation, 135–37
cramps and, 240–41
irregular and dysfunctional, 230–31
painful, 245–47
PMS, 250–51
strong flow, 260
Messegue, Maurice, 77
Migraines, 219–20
Milk, 57
Milk thistle, 224–25
Miscarriage, 141, 276
Miso, 66
Molasses, 52
Monoculture, 16
Mononucleosis, 238
Mouth gargle, 277
Multiple sclerosis, 238–39
Mumps, 239–40
Muscle cramps, 240–41
Muscular dystrophy, 238–39
Muscular system, 179–81
Music, power of, 112
Mustard, 48
Myasthenia gravis, 238–39
National Institute of Medical Herbalists, 7
Natural coding, 107
health of, 13–14
making contact with, 11–13
smell of, 13
sustaining, 15–16
Neoplastics, 265–66
Nephritis, 241
Nervous system, 172–77
Alzheimer’s disease, 248–49
multiple sclerosis, 238–39
muscular dystrophy, 238–39
myasthenia gravis, 238–39
Parkinson’s disease, 248–49
sciatica, 254–55
shingles, 255–56
Nettle, 19–20
Nitrates, 44
Nonylphenol, 60
Nose problems, 241–42, 256–57
Nutmeg, 49
Nutrition. See also Food
antioxidants, 26, 53, 116, 167
basics of, 10
calcium, 14, 57–58, 186, 221
carbohydrates, 54
cholesterol, 55, 167–68, 220, 221–22
essential fatty acids, 59
fats, 166
iron, 133, 184–85
magnesium, 57–58
protein, 55–56
zinc, 125, 252
Oak, 20
Oils. See also Essential oils
choosing, 53, 84, 166
herbal, 38
Ointments, 33, 276–77
leaf, 117
304 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition