The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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Herbs. See also individual herbs
botanical names of, 279–83, 284–88
collecting and drying, 27
contraindications of, xii
culinary, 46–50
as food, 41
as investments, 25–27
in oil, 38
preparing, 28–39
quality of, 23–25
for tea, 28–29, 59
useful parts of, 279–83
Herpes simplex, 197–98
Herpes zoster, 255
Histamine, 105
HIV, 48, 108
Hobbs, Christopher, 113, 115, 297
Hooch, 120
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 147,
221, 243
Hormones. See also individual hormones
adrenal glands and, 160
menopause and, 144–47
onset of, 128–29, 132
plants rich in, 128–29, 162
reproductive, 129–31, 161
thyroid and, 163
Hot flashes, 144, 145, 146
Hydrotherapy, 10, 76–77
Hypertension, 225–26
Hyperthyroidism, 244–45
Hypoglycemia, 226–27
Hypotension, 235
Hypothyroidism, 259–60

Immune system
antibiotics and, 108–9
automatic defenses of, 108
breathing and, 111
essential oils and, 117–18
fermented foods and, 65–66
herbs for, 112–17
laughter and, 111–12
layout of, 105–6
music and, 112
problems, 106, 239
state of mind and, 110–11

treatments, 118–20
vaccination and, 106–7
Impetigo, 227–28
Incontinence, 228
Indian tobacco. See Lobelia
Indigestion, 228–30
Infections, 272–73. See also individual
Infertility, 138
Infusions, 28
Insect bites, 270
Insect repellents, 270, 277
Insomnia, 177, 230, 271
Interferon, 105
Intestines. See Colon and large intestine;
Iridology, 4, 183
Iron, 133, 184–85
Irritable bowel syndrome, 231–32

Jaundice, 232
Jensen, Bernard, 156
Juicers, 40, 64–65, 70
Juniper, 21

Kidneys, 159–61
cleansing, 85, 97–98
nephritis and glomerulonephritis, 241
stones, 232–34

Labor, 141
Lacerations, 270, 272–73
Laryngitis, 257
Laughter, 111–12
Lavender, 103, 271
Leaky gut syndrome, 150, 216
Lemon, 48, 84
Leukorrhea, 261–62
Licorice, xii
Lime tree, 19
Lindane, 57
Liver, 153–56
cleansing, 83–85, 94–96
detoxification and, 153
hepatitis, 223–25

index 303

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