The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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oil, 53, 84, 166
Onion and garlic syrup, 31
Opium, 175
Organic foods, 44–46
Organophosphates, 44
Osteoarthritis, 187
Osteoporosis, 242–43
Ovarian cysts, 243–44
Ovulation, 231
Oxalic acid, 159, 187

Pain relief, 277
Palpitations, 246–47
Pancreas, 151–53
diabetes and, 206–8
pancreatitis, 247
Parasites, 93–94, 264–65
Parkinson’s disease, 248
Parsley, 49
Pau d’arco, 132
Pelvic inflammatory disease, 249
Pepper, 49. See also Cayenne pepper
Perimenopause, 144, 145
Periods. See Menstruation
Permaculture, 15
Pessaries, 35–36
Pesticides, 16–17, 24–25, 44–45, 57
Phagocytosis, 105
Pharmaceutical companies, 26–27
Pharyngitis, 257
Phlebitis, 257–58
Phytosterols, 162
Pickling, 51
Piles, 223
Pine, 21–22, 117
Plague, 103
Plantain, 20, 219
Plantlife (organization), 15–16
Plants. See also Herbs; individual plants
benefits provided by, 14–15
collecting and drying, 27
hormone-rich, 128–29, 162
as investments, 25–27
Plaque, 186, 220, 222
Pleurisy, 275
PMS, 250–51
Pneumonia, 275

Pokeweed, xii
Pollen allergies, 218
Pollution, 13, 14–15, 137
Polypharmacy, 28
Pork, 54
Postmenopause, 144, 145
Postpartum depression, 143
Potassium broth, 69
Poultices, 34–35
Powders, 38–39
Power walking, 75
Pregnancy, 44–45, 139–44
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 250–51
Preservatives, 44
Probiotics, 93–94, 109
Progesterone, 130, 144–45, 147
Prostate enlargement, 251–53
Prostatitis, 203–4
Protein, 55–56
Psoriasis, 252–54

Raw food, 68
Reflexology, 73
Regeneration, 1–2
Rejuvelac, 65–66
Reproductive system, 161–63. See also
Hormones; Menstruation; Vagina
endometriosis, 214–15
ovarian cysts, 244–45
pelvic inflammatory disease, 249
prostate enlargement, 251–53
prostatitis, 203–4
uterine fibroids, 244–45
Respiratory system, 170–72
asthma, 188–89, 275
bronchitis, 192–93, 275
coughs, 200–201
emphysema, 275
lung or sinus infections, 235–36
measles, 237–38
pleurisy, 275
pneumonia, 275
sinusitis, 256–57
Rheumatism, 187–88
Rice and seaweed soother, 123
Ringworm, 254–55
Rosemary, 49

index 305

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