The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

(singke) #1
1 cup organic apple juice
Freshly squeezed juice of 2 or 3 lemons
1 cup spring water, distilled water, or fi ltered water
1 clove fresh garlic
1 tablespoon virgin olive oil

(^1) ⁄ 4 inch fresh gingerroot
Lemon juice is a citrus acid that becomes alkaline in the stomach,
thereby aiding the cleansing of the digestive tract; it will also emulsify the
olive oil. Should you be unable to consume any citrus at the time, use a
teaspoon of turmeric instead. The garlic is best crushed before it is put
into the blender. Blend all the cleanse ingredients until they form a
smooth liquid. Transfer this into a glass and drink it slowly; you can drink
some organic apple juice afterward if desired. Fifteen minutes later, drink
a cup of hot peppermint tea (using fresh leaves from the garden if they
are available) or dandelion coffee with cinnamon sticks, cardamom, grated
ginger, a little licorice, or any other fl avoring that you have readily
If you feel a little headachy, it is because you are fl ushing your system.
It will help if you drink plenty of fl uids, especially water, and take some
exercise. If you are unable to exercise, try hot and cold showers or
Some emotions may also come to the surface — sadness and anger are
associated with the liver — but their opposite emotion, joy, often replaces
these feelings once the cleanse is over.
This is a gentle liver cleanse, and it’s important to realize that toxins
have been slowly building up in the liver for years. Therefore small steps
are probably better in the fi rst instance.

a one-day kidney flush

Pick a day when you can relax and keep warm. Start the morning with the
juice of one lemon or lime, one quart of springwater, and a pinch of
cayenne. Drink it all and, fi fteen minutes later, drink a cup of kidney tea
containing dandelion leaf, parsley leaf, bearberry leaf, and corn silk. Also
take a kidney tincture if you have some, including all or some of the
following herbs: dandelion root, marshmallow root, Rehmannia root,
Astragalus root, chickweed leaf, lobelia leaf, burdock root, corn silk,
Siberian ginseng root, ginkgo leaf, parsley leaf, and bearberry leaf. These
herbs help to release excess stored water in all the cells of the body, as
well as cleansing and healing all around.
At lunchtime, drink diluted fresh raw vegetable juices if you have any,
or simply eat a large raw salad of sprouted seeds, dandelion leaves, lettuce,
grated beet, and grated carrot. Use olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and

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