No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam

(Sean Pound) #1

270 Glossary

matam Self-flagellation rituals mourning the martyrdom of
Mujahadin Muslim militants; literally, “those who wage jihad”
mujtahid A Muslim jurist worthy of emulation and qualified to
make authoritative legal declarations
muruwah Pre-Islamic code of tribal conduct
Muslim Islamic socialist organization founded by Hasan
Brothers al-Banna in Egypt in 1928
Mu‘tazilah Rationalist school of Islamic theology
nabi A prophet
nafs Meaning “breath,” the self or ego according to Sufism
Najd The desert regions of eastern Arabia
naskh The abrogation of one verse in the Quran by another
Pan-Arabism Principle of racial unity among the world’s Arab
Pan-Islamism Principle of religious unity among the world’s Muslim
Pir A Sufi master (also known as Shaykh or Friend of Allah)
Qa‘id Pre-Islamic tribal war leader
qalb The “heart,” corresponding to the soul in Sufism
qiblah The direction of prayer toward Mecca
qiyas Analogical reasoning used as a source in the development
of Islamic law
Quraysh The rulers of Mecca in pre-Islamic Arabia
Qurra The Quran readers who were the first to memorize,
record, and disseminate the Revelation
qutb The “cosmic pole” around which the universe rotates
Rashidun The first four “Rightly Guided” Caliphs: Abu Bakr,
Umar, Uthman, and Ali
rasul A messenger
ruh The Universal Spirit; the breath of God
Salafiyyah Muslim reform movement begun in Egypt by Muham-
mad Abdu and Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani
salat Ritual prayer performed five times a day at sunrise, noon,
afternoon, sunset, and evening
sawm Fasting

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