No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam

(Sean Pound) #1

302 Index

Ka‘ba (cont’d ):
as sacred ground, 26; as seat of Islam,
106; as spiritually connected to Abra-
ham, 14; stories/legends about, 4, 5; and
successors to Muhammad, 116; as uni-
versal shrine, 27; and Wahhabism, 245;
and Yazid rebellion, 178. See also pil-
Kahins (poets/tribal cultic official), 7–8, 29,
37–38, 44, 57, 58, 157
Kaiser, Ishan, 204
Karbala: and founding of Shi‘ites, 178;
Ikhwan sacking of, 244; massacre at,
171–73, 175, 177, 178, 179, 184, 185,
186, 190; passion plays about, 180; and
Penitents, 178, 179; rituals at, 184; and
Shi‘ite-Sunni conflict, 190; as Shi‘ite’s
Garden of Eden, 179; and Wahhabism,
Kashani, Ayatollah, 191
Kashifi, Kamal al-Din Wa’iz-e, 181
Kavakci, Merve, 72
Keddie, Nikki, 229
Kemal, Namik, 231
Khadija (Muhammad’s wife), 33, 38–39, 41,
47–48, 61, 64
Khalid ibn Sinan, 15
Khan, Ayub, 256
Khan, Inayat, 216
Khan, Sayyid Ahmed, 218–19, 225–27
Kharijites, 128, 132–34, 135, 136, 145–46,
152, 177, 244, 247
Khayyám, Omar, 214
Khazraj (tribe/clan), 48, 55, 56–57, 112, 116
Khomeini, Ruhollah, 86, 138–39, 185, 187,
188–89, 190–93, 251–52, 253, 265
Kilab (clan), 93
King Abdulaziz University, 86
Kister, J. M., 15
Kohens ( Jewish soothsayers), 9, 98
Kufa: and Ali’s death, 135; and Caliphate,
134, 135, 136; and Mahdi, 186; Peni-
tents in, 178; and successors to
Muhammad, 127, 128, 130, 134, 136;
and Uthman revolt, 127, 128; and
Yazid-Husayn conflict, 171–73, 175,
176–77, 179

Lakhmids, 12
lamentations, 178, 180, 181
Lammens, Henri, 116
language: mystical powers of, 156; Quran as
creating Arabic, 157
Last Judgment, 12, 15, 41, 94, 181, 186, 188
Law of Retribution, 30–31, 55, 59–60

law schools, 165–66, 167, 184–85, 186. See
also specific school
Lawrence, Bruce, 218
Layla and Majnun legend, 194–98, 202, 204,
Lecker, Michael, 56, 93
legal system: and democracy, 265; and
hadith, 67, 68; and ijma ( juridical con-
sensus), 164–65, 167, 232, 258; interac-
tion of theology and, 144–55; and
Islam as nascent religion, 59; and
Islamic Reformation, 257–58, 265; and
Medina as archetype, 53; and Mod-
ernists, 227; and orthodoxy, 164–65;
and Quran, 163, 164, 165, 166,
167–70; and reasoning, 164; and Reve-
lation, 164; and Shariah, 170; and
spread of Islam, 67; and Sufism, 201,
202; Sunna as source for, 163–64; and
taqlid (acceptance of juridical prece-
dent), 165, 227; Traditionalist influ-
ence on, 159–62; and Ulama, 167. See
also Law of Retribution
Lewis, Bernard, 78–79
Libya, 122, 147
love: God as objectified through, 211; and
Layla and Majnun legend, 194–98,
202, 204, 211; and Sufism, 194–98,
202, 204, 210–13, 214
Luke, 103
Luqman (prophet), 43, 44
Madelung, Wilferd, 116, 121–22, 128
Mahdi, 185–87, 188, 189, 190–91. See also
Hidden Imam
Makhzum (clan), 64, 125
Malik Ibn Anas, Imam, 165
Maliki School, 144, 165, 167
Manat (goddess), 7, 22
manhood: age of, 36
Manichaeism, 13, 178, 199
manism, 6
Margoliouth, D. S., 96, 97
Mariyah (Muhammad’s wife), 64
marriage, 61–62, 63–65, 100, 101
Marwan, 127, 128, 176, 177
Mary (Christian holy mother), 3, 16, 21, 106
Mawdudi, Abu-l Ala, 138, 227–28, 242, 246,
Mazdakism sect, 13
Mecca: Abyssinian attack on, 18, 28–29; as
center of Jahiliyyah religious experi-
ence, 13; demise of tribal ethic in,
31–32, 40–41; description of, 24; as
dominant in Hijaz, 74; as heart of Islam,
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