A Climate for Change

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^30) Public Perceptions/ Knowledge about Climate Change Human Development Report - Croatia 2008
Q. 15: “Do you drive a car more then twice a week or
fly by plane more then twice a year?”
Q. 16: (If the answer to 15 was “yes.”) “There are
also programmes to offset emissions that result
from driving cars and travelling by airplane. These
programmes often involve paying for alternative
sources of energy in the electricity sector or
encouraging the growth of forests that “soak up”
climate change causing gases. How much, if anything,
is the maximum amount that you are sure that
you would be willing to pay to offset the emissions
resulting from the transport you are using?”
in June/ July of 2008, when oil prices were over 130
USD (United States Dollars) per barrel, this may have
had some impact on the results. Again, those who are
more educated and in a better financial situation are
willing to pay more.
For more representative results, a more in-depth sur-
vey is required, as grouping people who drive more
than twice per week with those who fly more than
twice per year has little merit. Flying is still reserved for
Croatians with higher incomes, and as the two items
are very different activities, they should be separated.
2.3.2. Public willingness to act to reduce
In addition to paying extra to reduce emissions, the
public will also need to change their individual behav-
iour. This is one of the areas where leadership by the
Government and by companies can be helpful, but it
is critical that the public is actually willing to act.
Q. 18: “Have you done any of the following during
the past month to prevent climate change or for
environmental reasons?”
Figure 2-13: Responses to Survey Q. 16
Figure 2-14: Responses to Survey Q. 18
The next series of questions sought to establish the will-
ingness of Croatians to pay to offset/ reduce emissions
caused by transportation. Approximately half (49%) of
the respondents drive a car more than twice a week or
fly more than twice a year. Given that Croatians believe
the main contributor to climate change is transport a
large percentage of frequent drivers and/or fliers are
willing to pay extra for fuel or plane tickets.
Q. 17: “Why are you willing to pay the amount that
you indicated (including indicating 0%)?”
Of those not willing to pay extra, 77% stated they
couldn’t afford it. However, as the survey took place
Up to 1%Up to 2%Up to 5%Up to 10%Up to 15%Up to 20%
More than 20%
Not willing
0 %
10 %
20 %
30 %
40 %
50 %
60 %
70 % 66 %
60 %
54 %
38 %
19 % 14 %
7 %
16 %
Willingness to pay extra to reduce emissions from travel
Percentage of respondents
Actions undertaken for environmental reasons
Buy labelled green products
Reduce disposable item consumption
Separate waste for recycling
Buy local products or groceries
Use environmentally friendly transport
Don’t know
Use car less / efficient driving
Reduce water consumption
Reduce energy consumption 74 %
70 %
63 %
61 %
57 %
52 %
43 %
41 %
1 %
0 %
0 %
Percentage of respondents

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