Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

Eicosapentaenoic acid.SeeEPA
8 Weeks to Optimum Health: A Proven
Program For Taking Full Advantage
of Your Body’s Natural Healing
Power(Weil), 2:749
Elderly.SeeAging; Senior nutrition
Elderly Nutrition Program, 2:862
Electrocardiogram (EKG), 1:232
Electrolyte replacement therapy,
1:345, 346
Electrolyte supplements, 1:345, 355
Electrolytes, 1:342–346
calcium, 1:146
dehydration, 1:256
diarrhea, 1:277, 278
diuretics, 1:310
magnesium, 2:640
sodium, 2:800
sports activities, 2:897–898
Electron transport, 2:686–687
Elimination diets, 1:346–348
for arthritis, 1:64
for food allergies, 1:400, 401–402
food sensitivities, 1:422–423
fructose intolerance, 1:436, 439
lactose intolerance, 1:610–611
Ellagic acid, 1:163–164, 165
Ellison, R. Curtis, 1:424
Emotional eating, Bob Greene’s diet
and, 1:111, 112
Emotional factors.SeePsychological
Emulsifiers, 1:367, 397t
Encopresis, 1:349–351
End-stage renal disease, low-protein
diet and, 1:629
Endocrinologic disorders, childhood
obesity and, 1:207
Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-
pancreatography (ERCP), 1:302,
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), 1:302,
detoxification, 1:264
for encopresis, 1:350
Hay diet, 1:498
juice fasts, 1:591–592
Energy, nutrients and, 2:819, 834
See alsoCalories; Macronutrients
Energy-dense foods, 2:659–660, 661,
810, 994, 995
Energy drinks, 1:356
Energy gap, 1:203
England.SeeUnited Kingdom
English diet.SeeNorthern European
Enlarged prostate, 2:812,2:813,
Enriched foods.SeeFortified foods
Entamoeba histolyticafood contami-
nation, 1:405

Enteral nutrition, for cancer patients,
Entero-tests, for giardiasis, 1:455
Environmental movement
detoxification, 1:262
organic farming, 2:755, 756–757
vegetarianism, 2:958
Environmental Protection Agency
bioengineered foods oversight,
fish consumption, 1:505
food contamination, 1:413
manganese concentrations, 2:647
mercury warnings, 2:744–745
water quality monitoring, 2:1019
Enzyme deficiency food sensitivities,
Enzyme preparations, 1:397t,
Enzyme reactions
manganese, 2:646, 647
molybdenum, 2:693
phytochemical stimulation, 2:800
protein importance, 2:818
vitamin B 6 , 2:969
vitamin C, 2:975
zinc, 2:1020
EPA.SeeEnvironmental Protection
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid)
ADHD, 1:9–11, 12
health benefits, 2:743t
for inflammation, 1:56
during pregnancy, 2:807
Ephedra, 1:351–354,1:352
ban, 1:292, 294, 352, 353, 2:875
Herbalife, 1:515
Ephedrine, 1:352, 355, 356
Epi-Pen auto-injectors, 1:399–400,
EPIC (European Prospective
Investigation into Cancer and
Nutrition) study, 2:774
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG),
1:490, 491
Epigenetic modifications, 2:719
Epilepsy, 1:597–602
for anaphylaxis, 1:399–400, 402
sugar, 1:537–538
EPO (erythropoietin), 2:829, 900
Equal (aspartame), 1:77, 79, 318
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cho-
langiopancreatography), 1:302, 447
Erdman, John, 2:720
Erectile dysfunction, 2:685
Ergocalciferol, 2:979
Ergogenic aids, 1:354–358, 2:899
Erythropoietic protoporphyria,
Erythropoietin (EPO), 2:829, 900
Erythrosine, 1:398

Escherichia coli
food contamination, 1:404
foodborne illness, 1:413t, 414, 416,
traveler’s diarrhea, 2:933
Esophageal inflammation, 1:507
(EGD), 1:303, 561
Esophagoscopy, 1:508
Esophagus, 1:298, 506–507
Essential amino acids, 2:635, 817
Essential fatty acids (EFAs)
ADHD, 1:9–11, 12
defined, 1:376
menopause diet, 2:680
Essential vitamins, 2:990t
Estimated Average Requirement
(EAR), 1:289
DHEA, 1:269
mimickers of, 2:999–1000, 1001
See alsoPhytoestrogens
Estrogen therapy, 2:762
Ethical concerns
ergogenic aids, 1:355–356
nutrigenomic testing, 2:720–721
veganism, 2:951, 955
vegetarianism, 2:770–771, 774,
776–777, 779–780
Ethnicity.See specific groups
Ethnographic evidence, 2:704
Eucalyptus, 2:802
American colonization, 2:697
Caribbean Islands colonization,
central European diet, 1:189–191
chocolate dishes, 1:210
echinacea use, 1:337, 338
food additive regulation, 1:398
life expectancy, 1:190t
northern European diet,
2:713–715, 713t
St. John’s wort use, 2:903
vegetarianism research, 2:774
European Prospective Investigation
into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC),
European Society of Cardiology, 1:427
EUS (Endoscopic ultrasound), 1:302,
Evercetin, 2:895
flavor associations, 2:864–865
humans as omnivores, 2:770, 776,
951–952, 957
Warrior diet, 2:997, 998, 999, 1001
Excellent source of nutrients foods,
labeling of, 1:409
Exercise routines
Abs diet, 1:2–3
Bob Greene’s diet, 1:110–111
Body for Life diet, 1:115, 116

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