Jenny Craig diet, 1:586, 587
LA Weight Loss program, 1:607
Mayo Clinic fad diet, 2:656
Medifast, 2:668
Mediterranean diet, 2:676
MyPyramid guide, 2:947
negative calorie diet, 2:706
NutriSystem, 2:722–726, 725
Optimum Health Plan, 2:749, 750
pasta-popcorn-chocolate diet,
1:211, 212
research on, 1:341–342
Richard Simmons diet, 2:840
supplement testing, 1:356
3-day diet, 2:919
3-hour diet, 2:922–923
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietary
Practice Group, 2:773
VTrim, 1:342
Weight Loss 4 Idiots, 2:1007–1010
Weight Watchers, 2:1011, 1012
Interpersonal therapy
anorexia nervosa, 1:48
binge-eating disorder, 1:100
bulimia nervosa, 1:136
eating disorders, 1:332
Interstitial body fluid, 1:343
Intestinal blockages, Meckel’s diver-
ticulum and, 2:665, 666, 667
Intestinal diseases, 1:300, 315
See also specific types
humans as omnivores, 2:770, 776,
952, 957
IBS,1:577, 1:577–578
intussusception, 1:565–567
Intolerances, food.SeeFood
Intoxication, caffeine-induced, 1:145
Intracellular body fluid, 1:343, 2:1003
Intrinsic factor (IF), 2:971
Intuitive dieting: A Revolutionary
Program That Works(Triboel and
Resche), 1:563
Intuitive eating, 1:563–565
Intussusception, 1:565–567
IOC (International Olympic
Committee), 1:144, 355
Iodine, 1:567–570, 568t, 2:691–692
Iodine deficiency, 1:568, 569–570,
Iodized salt, 1:568, 569
Iodothyronine deiodinases, 2:855
IOF (International Osteoporosis
Federation), 2:763, 764, 766
IOM.SeeInstitute of Medicine
Ionizing radiation, 1:575
Irish cuisine, 2:713–714, 713t
Iron, 1:570–574
ADHD, 1:11
childhood nutrition, 1:200
lacto-vegetarian diet, 1:616
menopause diet, 2:680
mental health, 2:729–730
nutrition facts panel,1:408, 1:411
during pregnancy, 2:807
recommended amounts, 1:571t
sources, 1:571–572, 571t
in spirulina, 2:894
as trace mineral, 2:691–692
Iron deficiency, 1:573, 2:691,
Iron deficiency anemia, 1:573
Iron excess, 1:573–574
Iron poisoning, 1:574
Iron supplements, 2:807
Irradiated food, 1:574–576, 575t
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
defined, 1:300, 576, 580
diarrhea, 1:276
treatment, 1:304, 305, 580–583
Irritable bowel syndrome diet,
Irritant-type food sensitivities, 1:421
ISAAC (International Study of
Asthma and Allergies in
Childhood), 1:378
Isala Clinics, 1:218
Ishizuka, Sagen, 2:633
Islam, dietary practices, 1:486, 487,
2:825t, 826
Isoflavones, 2:800, 893
Isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency,
Isoleucine, MSUD and, 2:650–653
Isothiocyanates, 1:165
Isotonic sports drinks, 2:897
Israel, kosher practices, 1:486
Itching, kidney disease and, 2:829t
Itopride, 1:326
Izumi, Shigechiyo, 1:51
Jain religion, veganism and, 2:953,
Jalapen ̃o peppers, as cancer-fighting
food, 1:162t, 164
JAMA.See Journal of the American
Medical Association
Jannaway, Jack, 2:953
Jannaway, Kathleen, 2:953
Japanese cuisine, 1:81
Jared,the Subway Guy: Winning
Through Losing: 13 Lessons for
Turning Your Life Around(Fogle),
2:905, 906
The Jared Foundation, 2:906
Jaret, Peter, 1:192
Jasmine, 2:802
Jason Pharmaceuticals, 2:667, 668,
JECFA (Joint Expert Committee on
Food Additives), 1:75, 398
Jefferson, Thomas, 2:697
Jejunoileal bypass surgery, 1:90
Jejunoileitis, 1:559
Jenkins, David, 1:473
Jenny Craig diet, 1:585–587
Jenny Craig Weight Loss Centers,
Jenny Direct program, 1:585
Jensen, Bernard, 1:591, 593
Jillian Michaels diet, 1:587–590
Johns Hopkins University
ketogenic diet, 1:517, 597–599
Medifast program use, 2:672
saccharin discovery, 1:78
vitamin E research, 2:985, 986
Joint Expert Committee on Food
Additives (JECFA), 1:75, 398
Joint Strength (TCM compound),
Joints, Medifast program for, 2:670
Journal of Adolescent Health, 2:940
Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, 1:466
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry,
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
Metabolism, 2:844
Journal of the American Board of
Family Practice, 2:744
Journal of the American College of
Nutrition, 2:1027
Journal of the American Dietetic
Association, 1:39
Journal of the American Medical
antioxidant study, 1:60
Beverly Hills diet, 1:97
high-fat/low-carb diet study,
1:520, 2:1027
low-fat diet study, 1:622, 625–626,
VLCDs, 2:853
Journal of the Society of Behavioral
Medicine, 1:254
Judaism, dietary practices, 2:825t, 826
Juice fasts, 1:263,590–595
Juicers and juice extractors, 1:594
Juniper, 2:802
Juvenile diabetes.SeeType I diabetes
Kabler, Jamie, 1:532
Kaiser three-day diet, 1:219
Kale, as cancer-fighting food, 1:162t,
Karamu, 1:25
Karian, Vahan, 1:607
Kashrut, 1:486, 2:826
Kava ceremony, 2:784
Kellow, Juliette, 1:3
Kemp, Robert, 1:167
Kempner, Walter, 2:838