Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

Red beet root, 2:803
Red blood cells, 1:392, 2:972
Red wine
as cancer-fighting food, 1:162t, 165
French paradox, 1:424–428
Reduced-calorie diets.SeeLow-cal-
orie diets
Reduced-calorie foods, labeling of,
Reduced-carbohydrate diets
Dietwatch, 1:296
South Beach diet, 2:888–891, 888t
See alsoLow-carbohydrate diets
Reduced-fat foods, 1:366, 368, 369,
409, 2:731t
Redux (dexfenfluramine), 1:379–380,
Refined grains, 2:948
See alsoGrains; Whole grains
Refractory celiac disease (RCD),
Refrigeration of foods, 1:419
Registered dietitians (RDs), 1:29,
bioengineered foods, 1:102
food additives, 1:398
ginkgo, 1:462–463
ginseng, 1:458
green tea, 1:489–490
Herbalife, 1:516
hoodia, 1:536
infant formula, 1:555
labeling, 1:407–411
organic food, 2:755, 756
preservatives, 1:72
See also specific laws
Regurgitant cardiac valvular disease,
fen-phen and, 1:380, 381
Regurgitant cardiac valvular disease
and fen-phen, 1:379
Rehydration methods
for dehydration, 1:257
for diarrhea, 1:277, 2:934
excessive, 2:1004
for food poisoning, 1:415
for giardiasis, 1:455, 457
Rejuvenation phase (pancha karma),
Relaxation techniques
ergogenic aid, 1:355
for hyperactive children, 1:539
weight loss aid, 2:741
Religion and dietary practices,
2:824–828, 825t
detoxification, 1:264
fasting, 1:617, 2:826, 827
Greek and Middle Eastern diet,
juice fasts, 1:593
Maker’s diet, 2:643–646
Native American diet, 2:698
veganism, 2:952–953
vegetarianism, 2:770, 776, 958

Renal nutrition, 1:602–605,
2:828–833, 829t
Renal osteodystrophy, 2:829t
Renaud, Serge, 1:424
Required labeling information,
Resch, Elyse, 1:563
Research.SeeClinical research
Resistance training.SeeWeight
Resistant starches, 1:313
Restaurant food.SeeDining out
Resting metabolic rate (RMR), 1:151
Restrictive anorectics, 1:45
Resveratrol, 1:165, 426, 427
Retinol.SeeVitamin A
Retinol Activity Equivalent (RAE),
ReVia (naltrexone), 1:35
Rheumatoid arthritis
copper for, 1:229
defined, 1:62t, 63–64
omega-3 fatty acids for, 2:744
treatment, 1:65
Riboflavin, 2:833–836, 834t, 990t, 991
Riboflavin deficiency, 2:835–836
Rice, golden, 1:102, 2:838
Rice-based diets, 2:836–838, 837t
Rice genome, sequencing of, 2:838
Rich in nutrient foods, labeling of,
Richard Simmons diet, 2:838–841
Rickets, 2:981
Right thinking (Dr. Phil’s diet), 1:321
RMR (resting metabolic rate), 1:151
RNA (ribonucleic acid), vitamin B 6
and, 2:970
RNIs (Recommended Nutrient
Intakes), 1:288, 289
Robert C. Atkins Foundation, 1:93
Roberts, Seth, 2:863–865
Rockefeller Foundation, 2:673
Rolls, Barbara, 2:994, 995
Roman Catholicism, dietary prac-
tices, 2:825t, 827, 953, 958
Romantic eaters, 1:212
Rome criteria (dyspepsia), 1:323, 324,
Root vegetables, 1:180, 2:699, 701–702
Rose, 2:802
Rosedale, Ron, 2:841, 842, 843
Rosedale diet, 2:841–844
The Rosedale Diet(Rosedale), 2:841
Rosedale Metabolics, 2:842
Rosemary, as cancer-fighting food,
1:162t, 165–166
Ross, Julia, 1:518
Ross Labs, 1:126
Rotavirus vaccinations, 1:566
Roulier, Lanette, 2:909
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery,
Royal College of Physicians, 1:403,

Royal Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA),
Rubin, Jordan, 2:643–646
Rue, 2:802
Ruminant animals,transfats in,
Rumination syndrome, 1:331
Russian diet, 1:189–191

S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAM-e),
Saccharin, 1:78
Sacks, Frank, 2:788
Sacred Heart diet, 1:139, 142,
Sacred Heart diet soup recipe, 2:845
Sacred Heart Medical Center, 1:142
Safety.SeeFood safety
Saffron, 2:803
Sage, 2:803
Saint John’s wort.SeeSt. John’s wort
Salicylates, 1:318
Saline laxatives, 1:225, 579
Salisbury, James, 2:700
Salisbury steak, 2:700
Salmon, 2:744, 792
Salmonellaspecies food contamina-
tion, 1:404, 413t, 414, 418, 2:778
iodized, 1:568, 569
kidney diet, 1:602–603, 2:829, 832
low-sodium diet, 1:629–631
menopause diet, 2:680
osteoporosis, 2:767
Scandinavian diet, 2:849
senior nutrition, 2:860
substitutes for, 1:603
Salt Institute, 1:250
SAM-e (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine),
San people, 1:535
Sandon, Lona, 2:795
Sandow, Eugen, 1:123
Sanggye Paik Hospital diet, 1:599
Sanitary practices
eggs, 2:778
food contamination, 1:406,
413–414, 416, 418–419
pregnancy, 2:808–809
traveler’s diarrhea, 2:932–933
yersinia outbreak prevention,
2:1018, 1019
Sarsaparilla, 2:802
Sartorius, Lawrence, 1:442
Sartorius, Michael, 1:442
energy-dense foods, 2:659–660,
661, 810, 994, 995
intuitive eating, 1:564

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