Astrophysics for People in a Hurry

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

gravity of, 80
intra-cluster gas and, 68–69
“relaxed,” 144
shape of, 145–46
Galle, John, 130
gallium, 124–25
gallium chloride experiments, 125
gamma ray astrophysics, 162
gamma rays, 151, 154, 161–63, 164
Gamow, George, 51, 52, 54
Gell-Mann, Murray, 22
germanium, 125
Germany, 95
God, 32, 34, 195
Goldilocks zone, 29–30
Gott, J. Richard, 53
gravitation, constant of, 40
gravitational fields, 176
gravitational lens, 72–73
gravitational waves, 96–97
gravity, 18, 19, 20, 34–35, 43, 58, 59, 72, 86
“action-at-a-distance,” 75, 101
dark energy and, 60, 94, 96, 100, 106
dark matter and, 75, 82–83, 84–85, 89, 92–93
“excess,” 76
of galaxy clusters, 80
Newton’s law of, 34–35, 37, 40, 44, 76, 175–76
and spheres, 136–38, 144
surface, 142
Great Nebula in Andromeda galaxy, 53
Great Pyramids at Giza, 179
Great Red Spot, 42–43
Great Wall of China, 179
Gulf of Mexico, 180
Guth, Alan H., 108–9

hadrons, 24–26, 27
Hale-Bopp (comet), 170
Halley’s comet, 170
Hawking, Stephen, 201
Hayden Planetarium, 197–98
Helios (god), 119
helium, 27, 36, 83, 118, 124
Herman, Robert, 52, 54
Herschel, William, 130, 147–48, 149, 150, 164, 173–74
hertz, 152
Hertz, Heinrich, 151
Hewish, Antony, 186
high-energy charged particles, 64, 174
Himalayas, 136
Hiroshima, 130, 132
homelessness, 195
Homo sapiens, 31, 97

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