political science
the post-positivists bear the risk of the tyranny of the majority as much as the shortcomings of positivism. The inWnite relativ ...
move away from, and eVectively respond to what, through pluralistic debate, it has come to recognize as important present and fu ...
to such an extent that the original goals bear little relevance for assessing the substance and the rationale of the policy that ...
political performance. This should not surprise the politically astute evaluator: political processes determine whether programm ...
programmatic and political evaluations were identiWed. In the banking sector, for example, (de-)regulatory policies and/or exist ...
References Anheier, H. K., ed. 1999 .When Things Go Wrong. London: Sage. Arents, M., Cluitmans, M. M., and Van derEnde,M.A. 2000 ...
Hawkesworth,M.E. 1988 .Theoretical Issues in Policy Analysis. Albany: State University of New York Press. Heclo,H.H. 1972. Revie ...
Weiss,C.H. 1998 .Evaluation: Methods for Studying Programs and Policies. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Wildavsky,A. 198 ...
chapter 16 ..................................................................................................................... ...
process work? Is the process speciWc to this institution and its historical context(s), or is the process, at least in part, mor ...
In Section 2 , I explain some key concepts in systems analysis that are necessary for understanding dynamics. Section 3 deals wi ...
A closed system is one that is responsive only to changes initiated by its own elements; an open system contains an endogenous c ...
Fig. 16. 1 the product of the components’ polarities is positive. ‘‘Negative’’ feedback loops, on the other hand, have balancing ...
such developments in policy-related systems. I have already mentioned win rates in the NLRB case. Other such examples will be: . ...
core, the process features ( 1 ) the rise of a countervailing coalition to challenge any emerging coalition of states and ( 2 )X ...
dynamic that has regulatory stringency (in its multiple dimensions) oscillating according to political pressures in the short ru ...
feedback arising from moves too far towards the center or back towards the party’s enthusiasts leads to an equilibration of cand ...
That there are indeed waves of ‘‘reform’’ cutting across many issue areas simul- taneously is true enough. McFarland points in p ...
Nevertheless, the term is usefully applied here because overturning this system of domination, unlike being resurrected from dea ...
gram designs, energizing social movements, building community consensus, and diVusing innovations. The central structural fact a ...
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