role of elected officials 234
and executive dominance 209 , 217 ,223 4
and factors affecting process of:
chance216 17
character of policy area 216
issue attention cycle 216
skill of policy activist/
entrepreneur215 16, 217
in globalization era241 2
diminished democracy thesis242 5
enabling potential of constraints245 7
exogenous influences247 9
and interest groups 234
and issue expansion 346
and learning 367
and methodological deficit 228
and non decisions220 1, 232
and origins of policy208 9
and party government217 18
and policy processes 849
and prioritizing238 41
and selective retention347 8, 358
agonism, and sources of critical
standards 197
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
(USA) 308 , 860 ,865 6
Aide a`Toute De ́tresse 399
air pollution, and Gary (Indiana)558 9
airline deregulation 3489
AlaskanNational Wildlife Reserve^881
Alberta Environmental Appeals Board 291
alcohol abuse 346
Alliance for the Mentally Ill 399
alternative medicine, and growth of23 4
and policy ends391 2
and ‘veil of vagueness’ 395
see alsoambivalence, and policy making
ambivalence, and policy making262 5
and Cuban Missile Crisis252 3
inXuence of interpretive
schemata253 4
and dealing with251 2
and deWnition of 252
and ordering devices 252 , 254 , 255
beliefs255 6
discourse analysis 261 2
frames256 9
narrative analysis260 1
and understanding252 3
American Association of Retired Persons
(AARP) 550
American Farm Bureau 560
American Petroleum Institute v OSHA(USA,
1978 ) 239
American Political Science Association 62
American Society for Public
Administration 62
American Society of Association
Executives 550
AmericaSpeaks 675 , 678
Americorps 182
Anglo Governance School435 6
Anglo Persian Oil Company 879
anthropocentrism, and ethical
questions724 5
AntiSocial Behavior Act (UK, 2003 ) 218
Anti Social Behavior Orders (ASBOs,
UK)217 18
anti globalization protest 749
appeasement 903
appreciative system, and learning 382
appropriateness, and behavior 689
and action 690
reconciling logics of701 5
and identity/role 690
and institutions of democratic
governance691 2
and legitimacy 692
and rules of 689
in action692 6
dynamics of696 700
arbitrariness, and nuclear systems
analysis791 3
architecture, and modalities of control 658
Argentina, and debt crisis 539
argumentation,seedialogue and
argumentation; negotiation
argumentative policy evaluation326 8, 330
argumentative turn:
and network management440 1
and policy studies6 7
Asian crisis ( 1998 )538 9
asset sales, and privatization 532
subject index 937