political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

climate change: (cont.)
and simulation and policy design353 4
club regulation, and origins of policy 222
Coalition for American Financial
Security 869
coalitional theory655 6
coercion, and government action 624
cognition 254
and learning382 3
and assembling jigsaw puzzles115 16
and dealing with problematic ends 395
and resolving conXicting ends113 15
Boston’s Ten Point Coalition117 19
Orme Dam dispute 117
co invention, and critical listening134 5
collaborative governance:
and analytical requirements for521 2
and characteristics of:
discretion509 10
diversity of participants 509
duration of 509
focus of 509
formality 509
stability of 509
and deWnition of 496 ,508 9
and discretion514 15
allocation of 497
payoVdiscretion516 17
preference discretion517 18
production discretion515 16
and Empowered Participatory
Governance681 2
and examples of:
federal worker training programs 513
management basedregulation511 12
New York City’s Parks Department 511
program for new generation of
vehicles513 14
smallpox vaccinations512 13
and government orchestration of 521
and growth of 497 , 522
and maximization of beneWts of518 20
and related literatures, survey of:
corporate alliances/strategic
partnerships 499
economics 499

legal scholarship 498
political science497 8
public management499 500
and skills required for 522
see alsoNew Public Management; public
private interaction
collective action,seecollaborative
governance; public private
collusion, and values disputes 273
Columbia University, and Institute of Public
Administration 62
co management854 5
command, and limits of 5 , 12
command and control:
andWction of central control 18
and indicative planning 18
and policy making17 18
and shortcomings of 14
commensurability problem755 61
and health care756 7
aggregation 757
preference establishment759 60
quality adjusted life year
(QALY)758 61
utility of life 7578
andutilitarianism758 9
see alsocost beneWt analysis; economic
commodiWcation 762
Common Cause 24
common law, and selective retention 358
common property resources, and market
failure628 9
commons, tragedy of the600 1, 629
and declining cost of 536
and diVusion 370
and learning378 9, 383
and policy research methodology840 1
and policy studies 6
and translation 383
communicative rationality 196 ,197 8
communitarianism, and sources of critical
standards196 7
communities of practice, and learning 378
see alsonetworks; policy network analysis

940 subject index

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