degenerative politics 171
and electoral accountability679 80
and regulatory agencies 661
and critical policy analysis 198
and ends 116
and participation, conXict with395 6
deliberative democracy 9 , 52 ,669 70, 840
and accountability:
participatory reform680 1
use of participatory forums679 80
and deWnition of 674
and Empowered Participatory
Governance681 2
and gauging public opinion677 9
and preference formation673 6
Citizen Juries674 5
Deliberative Polling674 5
neighborhood associations675 6
Study Circles 675 ,677 8
Twenty First Century Town
Meetings 675 , 678
Deliberative Polling674 5
deliberative turn 198
and policy making9 10, 52
Delphi, and Oracle at 40
and accountability 9 ,182 3
and agenda setting 232
diminisheddemocracy thesis242 5
government by discussion233 4
regulatory state234 8
role of elected oYcials 234
and authenticity 172 , 178
and bureaucracy 180
and citizenship 172
and conditions for 172
open public forums 174 ,177 8
and critical policy analysis198 9
and deliberative democracy 9 , 52 ,669 70
accountability679 81
Citizen Juries674 5
deWnition of 674
Deliberative Polling674 5
gauging public opinion677 9
neighborhood associations675 6
preference formation673 6
Study Circles 675 ,677 8
Twenty First Century Town
Meetings 675 , 678
and democratic deWcits671 3
and direct democracy 178 ,669 70
and expansive democracy 50
and framing of issues:
crime 1767
Superfund legislation175 6
water policy174 5
and franchise 172 , 178
and government as steering 15
and institutions of691 2
and juridical democracy562 3
and networked governance11 13
and policy analysis169 70
and policy sciences 40 , 52 , 53
and policy making8 9, 487
impact of national traditions 10
and practice419 21
and public policy:
contemporary context for170 1
impact on citizen identity178 9
impact on democracy gap179 80
relationship between171 3
service delivery180 1
and reconciling logics of action701 5
and scope 172
and typologies of565 6
democratic deWcits:
and overcoming:
accountability679 81
alternative problem solving
capacity681 2
communicative reauthorization
676 9
preference formation 673 6
andpolicy process671 3
deregulation 859
and origins of policy213 14
and United States 656
design,seepolicy design
and arbitrary assumptions of791 2
and nuclear strategy 777
devolution 171 , 181
subject index 945