political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

critique, and policy analysis (cont.)
and democracy198 9
and explication of meaning:
discourse analysis 195
interpretive policy analysis 194
narrative analysis194 5
and institutions 198
and linguistic turn193 4
and networked governance199 200
and origins of policy sciences192 3
and policy processes197 8
and politics of191 2
and sources of critical standards195 7
agonistic approach to 197
communicative rationality 196
communitarianism196 7
hands oVapproach to 197
and tasks for the analyst200 1
and teaching of 201
and techniques of 201
and technocratic policy analysis 190 1
‘crony capitalism’ 538
cross national policy studies214 15,
905 7
and welfare policy 615
crowding out, and budget/current account
deWcits 535
cruise missiles, and solutions looking for
problems22 3
Cuban Missile Crisis:
and dealing with ambivalence252 3
and inXuence of interpretive
schemata253 4
cultural notions:
and Chicago school tradition574 6
andconstraints on public policy572 3
and cultural variety576 81
bureaucratic agents580 1
categorization576 7, 582
cultural diVerences577 8
direct observation of behavior582 4
failure of simple policy578 9
language 582
prior experiences 578
selectorate sensitive politicians579 80
and conceptions of control 657

and policy instruments 471
cycling, and conXicting policy ends 110 , 396

damage expectancy, and nuclear systems
analysis 783
dark networks 442
day to day operations, and policy
making153 4
decentralization18 19, 171
and decentralized coordination414 15
and democracy 181
and policy sciences 50
and policy studies52 3
decision making:
and ambiguity391 2
and co management 855
and consensus building 286
and cost analysis736 41
and crisis 11
and democracies 683
and judgement157 8
andKennedy on 228
and localism 9
and networked governance11 13
and non decisions220 1, 232 , 558
and operations research 774
and path dependency642 3
and policy processes 850
and power inequalities 558
and routine/grand policy division in80 1
and social experimentation 812 ,817 18
and systems analysis 774
and technocratic policy analysis 191
and veto points 567 ,639 40
see alsocost beneWt analysis; grand policy,
training of rulers in
deck stacking 236
decommodiWcation, and welfare state 859 ,
Defense, Department of (USA):
and development of policy sciences42 3
and Programmed Planning and Budget
System (PPBS) 43 , 64
and Vietnam War44 5
deWcits, and constraints on public
policy534 5
Defrennecase (ECJ, 1976 ) 246

944 subject index

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