political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

dialogue and argumentation 270
and discussion270 1
and getting people to listen 271
and joint factWnding 276
and reaching new understandings 271
and rhetorical methods and
persuasion274 5
and structuring the conversation271 2
and use of evidence275 6
and values disputes272 4
see alsonegotiation
diVerentiation, and policy making 233
and centre periphery model 370
and communication 370
and innovation370 1
and learning369 71
diminished democracy thesis242 5
diminishing marginal utility 735
direct democracy 178 ,669 70
Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse
(DOTS) 215
disability beneWts, and renaming
unemployment problem397 8
discounting, and future impact of
policy710 11
and framing of issues:
crime176 7
Superfund legislation175 6
water policy174 5
and open public forums 174 ,177 8
and public policy 169
discourse analysis 195
andgovernmentality261 2
as ordering device261 2
discourses 6
and social networks 50
discovery, and critical listening136 7
and administrative discretion 63
and collaborative governance 497 ,509 10,
514 15
maximizing beneWts of518 20
payoVdiscretion516 17
preference discretion517 18
production discretion515 16

and implementation 484
and independent agencies236 8
and street level bureaucrats 484
and dialogue270 1
and government by233 4
dispute resolution,seenegotiation
distributional eVects 607 , 609
and taxation 620
distributive responsibility392 3
distrust, and critical listening 134
diversion strategies, and oZoading399 400
dominance, and framing of issues258 9
domination, and power547 8
Duke University, and Institute of Policy
Science and Public AVairs 64
dynamicconservatism 473
and event cascades 359
andWltering358 9
and future research in359 60
phases/stages361 3
policy as its own cause360 1
and negative feedback processes 341
balance of power341 2
elections and parties343 4
monopolistic equilibria 345
oscillating processes341 5
punctuated equilibria 346
reform cycles344 5
regulatory agencies342 3
and positive feedback processes 346
chaos theory354 5
compensating feedback 352
complex systems352 4
interjurisdictional learning 351
momentum346 7
path dependency and policy
options348 50
selective retention347 8
self organizing systems 355
sequencing356 7
system wide learning350 1
trial and error learning350 1
and selective retention 358
and systems:
deWnition of 3389

946 subject index

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