and origins of policy 217
and tax system 302
franchise, and democracy 172 , 178
Frankfurt School 192
Freedom of Information Act (USA) 235
free riders, and market failure628 30
friends, and learning378 9
Fulton Committee into the Civil Service
(UK, 1968 ) 159
and alternative90 2
and assessing policy impact on710 13, 723
and interventions with historic
processes92 4
and unpredictability of89 90
fuzzy gambling, and training in grand
policy95 6
and game management 433
and nuclear systems analysis 773
and power dependence 431
Gaming Duty Regulations (UK, 1997 ) 214
garbage can model:
and policy making 22
and problem solving 116 n 10
garrison state 21 , 22 , 193
Gary (Indiana), and air pollution558 9
gender inequality 170
general laws 576
General Motors 514
and income redistribution 301
and origins of policy 217
and tax system 302
GI Bill (USA) 46
Gini coeYcient 301
and cross country comparisons 615
and United Kingdom 749
and United States 749
global warming 156
globalization 27 , 193
and agenda setting in era of241 2
diminished democracy thesis242 5
enabling potential of constraints245 7
exogenous inXuences247 9
and anti globalization protest 749
and constraints on public policy535 9,
587 8
capitalXows535 6
changes in sentiment538 9
convergence590 1
decline in accountability588 9
diminution of nation state 590
‘impossible trinity’ of policy
choices537 8
internalization of capital’s
preferences589 90
privatization of public policy 588
Washington Consensus536 7
and contested nature of term 602
counterposing notions593 4
lack of deWnitional clarity592 3
trade integration594 5
underlying assumptions about 593
and global public policy 601 , 602
and ideological use of term 196
and impact of 595
environmental degradation 600 1
Wnancialmarket integration599 600
foreign direct investment597 8
trade integration596 7
welfare states 862
and evaluation of policy329 30
and evolution of117 19
and New Public Management 450
and training in grand policy82 4
see alsopolicy ends
‘golden rule’, and deWcits 535
‘Golden Straightjacket’,seeWashington
and creation of systems of846 7
and disagreement over notion of435 6
and Empowered Participatory
Governance681 2
and government 12
and government as steering14 15, 381
and joined up governance 461
and network management438 9
devising new tools for440 1
diVuse accountability439 40
enhancing coordination 440
subject index 951