family structure: (cont.)
on family care312 13
and welfare state 862
Family Support Act (USA, 1998 ) 827
and New Public Management452 3,
and policy making 82
see alsopolitical feasibility
feasibility analysis 228
Federal Agricultural Improvement and
Reform Act (USA, 1996 )348 9
Federal Communications Commission 237
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission883 4
Federal Power Act (USA) 881
Federal Power Commission 878 , 883
Federal Trade Commission 236
federalism, and energy policy 878
feedback loops:
and negative feedback processes 341
balance of power341 2
elections and parties343 4
monopolistic equilibria 345
oscillating processes341 5
punctuated equilibria 346
reform cycles344 5
regulatory agencies342 3
and positive feedback processes 346
chaos theory354 5
compensating feedback 352
complex systems352 4
interjurisdictional learning 351
momentum346 7
path dependency and policy
options348 50
selective retention347 8
self organizingsystems 355
sequencing356 7
system wide learning350 1
trial and error learning350 1
and systems analysis339 40
feminism, and welfare state
development861 2
feminist movement 25 , 192
Weld trials,seesocial experimentation
Wltering, and dynamic processes358 9
Wnancial market integration, and
globalization599 600
Wrewalls, and conXicting policy ends 110
Wrm, and economic theory of15 16
employment relationship 16
produce/buy decision 16
Wscal policy, and ‘impossible trinity’ of policy
choices537 8
Fishery Conservation and Management Act
(USA, 1976 ) 848
Xexibility, and puzzling 120
Flood Control Act (USA, 1936 ) 739
Food and Drug Administration (USA) 239 ,
342 , 512
Ford Foundation 64
Ford Motor Company 64 , 514
foreign direct investment, and impact of
globalization597 8
foresight, and training in grand policy88 90
Fourth World Movement 399
frames/framing397 8
andbeliefs258 9
and conXicting policy ends 110
and deWnition of 257
and dominance258 9
and evaluation of policy 332
and intractable controversies 259
as ordering device256 9
and Orme Dam dispute116 17
and policy issues48 9
and policy making26 7
and public policy:
crime176 7
Superfund legislation175 6
water policy174 5
and secondary reframing, problematic
ends397 8
creaming 399 , 402
diversion strategies399 400
idealization401 3
oZoading399 401, 402
reclassiWcation400 1
resource scarcity 402
shedding 400
and ways of looking at 257
and income redistribution 301
950 subject index