governance: (cont.)
institutional approach 433
instrumental approach 432
interaction approach432 3
managing the mix 439
and networks 414 ,429 30
and policy network analysis:
epistemic communities 434
global governance 435
reality of networks 434
transnational networks434 5
and public choice844 5
government not essential845 6
and reconciling logics of action701 5
and social setting and provision of847 8
agenda formation 849
decision processes 850
implementation850 1
interpretation 852
policy products848 9
problem of interplay854 5
problem of scale853 4
relevant knowledge849 50
sources of compliance851 2
and stateless societies 846
see alsocollaborative governance;
networked governance; New Public
Management; regulation;
regulatory state
and acceptability of policy896 7
and Allison’s ‘Excellence in
Government’71 3
and authority of894 5
and boundaries of 845
and distrust of 170
and eV ectiveness of 626
and failure of:
competition for technical
expertise643 4
inadequate penetrative capacity637 8
inadequate voluntary
cooperation638 9
institutional overhead639 40
path dependence of decision making
642 3
voter attention/inattention640 1
weak administrative culture644 5
and growth of 17
post Reconstruction United
States60 1
postwar United States62 3,500 1
and ineYciency 746
and information technology impact:
conventional analysis of474 8
diVerences over 473
enthusiasm over471 3
information gathering476 7
information industrial complex 476
Internet473 4
limitations of477 9
politics of instruments475 6
scepticism over 473
taxation potential 474
technology free approach to477 8
utopian hopes for475 6
and joined up government460 2
and learning 368 ,371 2
andlegitimacy of894 5
and maintenance of social cohesion 895
and networked governance11 13
and oYce seeking/keeping894 8
and policy advice154 5
and public choice 845
and reorganization of 162
and rules and conventions 895
and securing re election895 6
as steering14 15, 381
and subgovernments427 8
and typologies of political systems565 7
and unreXective nature of 7
see alsocivil service; collaborative
governance; New Public
Management; policy instruments;
private interaction; state intervention
governmentality, and discourse
analysis261 2
grand policy, training of rulers in80 1
and core curriculum for 81
alternative futures90 2
basic deliberation schema99 100
budgeting 98
creativity 85
952 subject index