political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
crisis coping96 7
critical mass interventions with historic
processes92 4
dealing with complexity98 9
foresight88 90
future orientation84 5,92 4
fuzzy gambling95 6
integration of subjects100 1
need for holistic view97 8
political feasibility of policy 82
praxis 101
priority setting 94
separating politics and policy81 2
thinking in history86 7
time horizons85 6
understanding reality87 8
value clariWcation and goal setting82 4
and deWnition of grand policy 81
and need for 80
and requirements of101 2

hard bargaining 269 ,276 7
and Best Alternative to a Negotiated
Agreement (BATNA) 279
and bluYng 278
and getting attention 278
and impact of outrageous demands278 9
and power in 279
and process of 277
in two party situations 277
and use of threats277 8
andZone of Possible Agreement
(ZOPA) 278
see alsonegotiation
and ethical questions 717
and inXiction of 724
and no harm principle 722
Harvard Business School 66
Harvard University:
and Graduate School of Public
establishment of66 7
goal of 67
low status of 67
renamed John F Kennedy School of
Government 67

and Kennedy’s administration63 4
see alsoKennedy School of Government
hazardous waste, and framing of issues175 6
Head Start program (USA) 180 , 809
and evaluation of 326
health care:
and Clinton’s health care initiative553 5
and commensurability problem755 61
aggregation 757
quality adjusted life year
(QALY)758 61
utility of life757 8
and cross national policy studies905 7
and preference establishment:
rating scale759 60
standard gamble 760
time trade oV 760
and United States 348
health insurance, and social
experimentation 810 , 814 , 815 , 817 ,
822 , 827
health policy, and interest groups23 4
hedging, and nuclear systems analysis794 5
hedonics 625
andpricing 740 , 751
Heritage Foundation 866
and policy development 209 , 223
and reconciling logics of action 703
high modernism:
as anachronism 27
and central control 14 ,17 18
Wction of 18
and limitations of 4 , 6
and limits of instrumental
rationality19 20, 51
and policy making3 4, 8
and sites of governance 10
see alsopositivism
higher education, and Robbins Report
(UK) 385
historical thinking:
and public policy902 5
and training in grand policy86 7
critical mass interventions with historic
processes92 4
and virtual history 91

subject index 953
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