Institute of Public Administration
(Columbia University) 62
Institute of Public Policy Studies (University
of Michigan) 64
institutional racism 222
as constraint on policy making 557
administrative procedures 564
class divisions560 1
Economic Development
Administration (USA)564 5
impact of previous policies559 60
independent agencies 562
interest groups558 9
juridical democracy562 3
neocorporatism 561
political bias 560
political procedures 562
polity’s structure 561
state 559
typologies of political systems565 7
veto players theory 567
veto points 567
and deWnition of 893
and democratic governance691 2
and institutionalist theory:
impact of policy studies on558 61
implication for policy studies562 5
as policy instruments 470
and public choice844 5
and reconciling logics of action701 5
and rules of appropriateness:
in action692 6
dynamics of696 700
and social organization level 847 8
agenda formation 849
decision processes 850
implementation 8501
interpretation 852
policy products848 9
problem of interplay854 5
problem of scale853 4
relevant knowledge849 50
sources of compliance851 2
instrument, law of the 51
instrumental rationality:
and criticism of 51
and limits of:
information 19
lack of clarity of ends 20
limited knowledge of means19 20
resources 19
and puzzling 111 , 113 , 119
and mixed success of389 90
and politics 691
and value choices 389
instruments,seepolicy instruments
intelligibility principles 401 , 403
and learning380 1
and network management432 3
interagency collaborative (ICC), and
construction of356 7
and government as steering 381
and learning 381
and policy making 233
and social policy360 1
interest groups:
and agenda setting 234
and causes of growth of 551
and changing composition of550 1
and Clinton’s health care initiative 554
as constraint on policy making23 4
and growth of 550
andimpact of551 2,^558 ,^818
and issue networks 428
and neocorporatism 561
and political feasibility549 52
and power 552
and United States:
inXuence in 863
pension reform 869
interests 893
and coalitional theory655 6
and economic theory of regulation
(ETR)655 6
and energy policy 877 ,878 9
and negotiations 272
and policy networks427 8
and political feasibility549 52
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change 850
956 subject index