political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

March of Dimes 21 , 22
and marginal analysis735 6
and valuation problem 755
market failure627 32, 646
and common property resources628 9
and deWnition of 625 , 627
and departures from optimality627 32
and economic analysis of 625
and external cost 629
and free riders628 30
and information asymmetry630 1
and monopoly627 8
and non rival consumption goods627 8
and signaling behavior631 2
and state intervention 632
see alsogovernment, and failure of
and accountability 183
and cooperation 625
and politics8 9
and social welfare731 2
Marshall Plan 46
Marxism 192 , 194
mass politics, and diminished democracy
thesis242 5
mass protest, and momentum dynamics 347
Massachusetts Watershed Initiative 175
Mathematica Policy Research 816
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public
AVairs (Syracuse University) 62
McKelvey SchoWeld ‘chaos theorem’229 30
meaning, and explication of:
and communication 383
andcontestation 195
discourse analysis 195
interpretive policy analysis 194
narrative analysis194 5
means testing 179 ,612 13
measures, and origins of policy 211 ,218 20
drafting of legislation219 20
policy as its own cause 212 , 218
and agenda setting 234
and issue expansion 346
mediation 270
and role of professional neutrals288 90

see alsonegotiation
Medicaid 46 , 360 , 554 , 870
Medicare 46 , 360 , 490 , 554 , 870 , 896
and reform of867 8
Medicare Prescription Drug Act (USA) 867
mental models 893
mentally ill:
and Alliance for the Mentally Ill 399
and prisons 398 , 400
merit good argument 610
meta regulation 664
methodology, and policy research,seepolicy
research, and methodology of
Metropolitan Police 222
Michigan, University of, and Institute of
Public Policy Studies 64
Middle East, and energy policy 880
military policy, and energy policy879 80
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 850
Minnesota, and Neighborhood
Revitalization Program675 6
Minnesota, University of, and School of
Public AVairs 64
and positive feedback processes346 7
and revolutions 347
monopolistic equilibria 345
monopoly, and market failure627 8
moral hazard, and information
asymmetry 630
and economism 748
and reconciling logics of action701 5
Mundell Fleming theorem 242
mutual gains negotiation,seeconsensus
building (mutual gains approach)
Mutual Information System on Social
Protection in European Union
Member States 305

narrative analysis194 5
and network management440 1
as ordering device260 1
and policy making 260
nation state:
and diminished democracy thesis242 5
and global governance 435

960 subject index

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