political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

and challenges for:
implications for policy analysis491 2
information problems489 90
pricing490 1
quality control 491
and implementation 482
bottom up approach to484 5
interorganizational analysis 485
synthesized approach to 485
top down approach to483 4
and inXuence of organizations on
policy486 7
non proWt organizations487 8
privately initiated social services488 9
and interorganizational analysis, policy
networks428 9
and network theory485 6
and policy design482 3
organizational learning, and consensus
building 270
organizational state 429
origins of policy:
and activities:
club regulation 222
non decisions220 1
street level bureaucrats221 2
and agenda setting:
analogy of 208
character of policy area 216
executive dominance 209 , 217 ,223 4
issue attention cycle 216
limitations of analogy208 9
non decisions220 1, 232
role of chance216 17
skillof policy activist/
entrepreneur215 16, 217
and deWnition of ‘policy’, diYculties
with 210
and measures 211 ,218 20
drafting of legislation219 20
policy as its own cause 212
and multiple explanations of 207
and multiple factors shaping207 8
and policy as its own cause20 1, 218
dynamic processes360 1
problems of policy success 21
and policy lines 211 , 212 ,215 18

Anti Social Behavior Orders (ASBOs,
UK)217 18
developing policy measures 220
and practices 211 , 212
and principles210 11,213 15
cross national transfer214 15
power of213 14
role in policy borrowing 214
workfare 212
Orme Dam 109 ,116 17
oscillating processes:
and negative feedback processes341 5
balance of power 3412
electionsand parties 343 4
reform cycles344 5
regulatory agencies342 3
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (USA,
1978 ) 848
oversight, and control of independent
agencies 235 , 652

Panopticon 658
paradigms 254
and paradigm shifts 375
Pareto optimum 540 ,731 3
and market equilibrium 625
and market failure 627
and deliberation, conXict with395 6
and evolution of 391
and experiences of government
agencies179 80
and framing of issues:
crime176 7
Superfund legislation175 6
water policy174 5
and open public forums 174 ,177 8
see alsoparticipatory democracy
Participatory Budget (Brazil)680 1
participatory democracy 670
and accountability:
participatory reform680 1
use of participatory forums679 80
and Empowered Participatory
Governance681 2
and gauging public opinion677 9
and preference formation673 6

subject index 965
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