participatory policy analysis (PPA) 52
Partnership for the Next Generation of
Vehicles (USA)513 14
party government, and agenda setting217 18
paternalistic intervention633 4
path dependency:
and institutional continuities 864
and learning 382
and policy as its own cause 21
and policy making 373
historical dimension902 5
and political decision making642 3
and positive feedback processes348 50
and public private interaction 508
and critical listening140 1
and puzzling120 1
Patriot Act (USA) 577 , 901
patronage relationships, and electoral
accountability 679 ,680 1
payoVdiscretion, and collaborative
governance516 17
penal policy:
and evaluation of 322
and mentally ill 398
Pendleton Act (USA, 1883 ) 61
penetrative capacity, and government
failure637 8
Pennsylvania, University of:
and Department of Public Policy and
Management 64
and Wharton School 62
pension reform 897
and success of health policy 21
and United States 869
perception, and puzzling 120
Performance and Innovation Unit (UK) 159 ,
164 , 165 , 220
Perry Preschool Project 809
Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act
(USA, 1996 ) 336 , 866
and conversation 269
and networked governance11 13
and policy studies 5 , 20 ,27 8
and rhetoric274 5, 897
see alsonegotiation
Peter Principle358 9
phases, and dynamic processes361 3
phenomenology, and learning383 4
pilot studies,seesocial experimentation
planners, and interviews 124 ,125 6
and illusion of central 18
and indicative planning 18
and Chicago reforms 682
and community policing 636
and diversion strategies 400
ambivalence, and policy making
constraints on policy making
critique, and policy analysis
evaluation of policy
impact of policy
origins of policy
policy advice
policy analysis
policy change
policy design
policy ends
policy instruments
policy making
policy modeling
policy network analysis
policy processes
policy programs
policy research, and methodology of
policy sciences
policy studies
public policy
policy advice:
and civil service (UK):
departmental point of view165 6
duty of 161
impact of decline of the
generalist160 1
rise of managerialism158 60
and deWnition of 154
and exercise of power154 5
and policy units:
966 subject index