Chi constantly ebbs and flows around and through us in
ever-shifting patterns and levels of intensity. Modern science
authenticated what the ancient Chinese art of feng shui has
recognized for more than 4,000 years through the discovery
that all matter and non-matter are composed of subatomic
particles of energy. Quantum physicists have since done
experiments that show that these infinitesimally small bits of
energy literally respond to thought, changing their behavior
depending on where and how researchers focus their attention.
This revelation affirms the power of feng shui.
Imagine that a bubble of energy surrounds your body and
extends 10 feet in every direction. As you move through the
world, people and objects unavoidably pass through this bubble.
Where your energy bubble intersects with the bubbles of
others, a sort of comingling process takes place in which your
energy responds to theirs and their energy responds to yours.
Intangible thoughts and feelings can be communicated through
these fields from person to person and by entering different
If the man sitting next to you on the bus were angry, his energy
would feel “angry.” You could read his state of being through
your energy field even though you never held a conversation.
If you walked into a church or temple where people have been
praying for centuries, you likewise might pick up the energy
signature of “peace” and “devotion” embedded in its walls and
altars. The presence of anger and devotion would ripple into
and through your field. You might also become angry or peace-
ful just by being exposed and responding to the energy of these
emotions and thoughts.
Perhaps your energy bubble extends farther than 10 feet.
Perhaps it is unlimited in scope, because at the subatomic level
your personal energy is merely a drop in an entire sea of univer-
sal chi. In that case, every aspect of the world at large would
impact you to a measurable degree. Everyone and everything
on the planet in this scenario can be seen as interrelated and
62 How to Study