Karl Marx: A Biography

(coco) #1

155. Marx to Jenny Marx, MEW xxix 532 ff. This letter is written in the semi-
ironical tone typical of, for example, Heine.
156. W. Liebknecht, Karl Marx, Biographical Memoirs, p. 132.
157. Ibid., p. 133.
158. MEW XXVIII 617.
159. Cf. Marx to Engels, MEW xxx 325.
160. Archiv fur die Geschichte des Sozialismus, x (1992) pp. 56 ff.
161. Cf. MEW xxvm 618.
162. MEW xxvii 204 f.
163. MEW xxix 540.
164. MEW xxvm 656.
165. Ibid., 217.
166. Ibid., 313.
167. Ibid., 314.
168. Ibid., 442.
169. Ibid., 444.
170. G. Mayer, Friedrich Engels, 11 356. For an example which his daughters failed
to destroy see Marx to Jenny, MEW xxxiv 344 , where, on the death of
Lizzie Burns, Engels' second wife, he makes fun of her illiteracy and speaks
in a derogatory tone of Engels himself.
171. Archiv fur die Geschichte des Sozialismus, x (1922) pp. 56 ff.
172. Eleanor Marx, Preface to K. Marx (sic), Revolution and Counter-Revolution
(London, 1971 ) p. vii.
173. MEW XXVII 516.
174. MEW VII 432 f.
175. MEW XXVII 598.
176. MEW XXVIII 498.
177. Ibid., 520.
178. Ibid., 592.
179. Ibid., 302.
180. Ibid., 452.
181. MEW xxix 47.
182. W. Liebknecht, Karl Marx, Biographical Memoirs, p. 59. For Wolff, cf. MEW
XXIX 225.
183. MEW XXVIII 116.
184. Ibid., 118.
185. MEW XXVII 171.
186. Ibid., 228.
187. F. Lassalle, Nachgelassene Briefe und Schriften, ed. G. Mayer (Stuttgart, 1921 )
HI i}f.

  1. MEW XXVII 233 f.

  2. Ibid., 560.

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