A new political alliance is being forged in this country between the super-rich and the super-
poor– especially the alienated and activist members of minority groups. The Ford Foundation,
under the aggressive leadership of McGeorge Bundy, is providing the major thrust for this
power bloc ... This is a dangerous game but it doesn’t seem to worry those members of the
‘Eastern Establishment’ who are involved. They’re sure that no matter what happens they’ll still
be on top. Vincent J. Salandria, 1971.
“I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own
views.. .” - Obama
Obama, as we have seen thus far, is the puppet candidate of an unparalleled combination of
institutions representing the Anglo-American ruling financier elite: his family traditions of those of
the Ford Foundation and of its satellite foundations. He enjoys the backing of the Rockefeller,
family, of George Soros, and now of Rupert Murdoch. His career has been fostered by the Trilateral
Commission and the Bilderberger group at the highest levels. His controllers, advisors, handlers,
and entourage come from the Council on Foreign Relations, the RAND Corporation, Skull and
Bones, and the Chicago school of reactionary economics. Many of these institutions had already
collaborated in the most elaborate previous attempt to create an entire presidential administration
around a candidate as the puppet of these financiers — the CFR 1980s Project, and the resulting
Jimmy Carter regime. Obama might be called the candidate of pan-oligarchy, that is to say of an
attempt to unite the warring factions of the US-UK elite for the purpose of securing another century
of world domination for London and Washington. Brzezinski, Huntington, and the other members
of the Trilateral brain trust had been expecting the domestic political upheaval inside the United
States to begin sometime after 2010, but the disasters of the Bush presidency had accelerated the
timetable. A suitable puppet demagogue was now urgently required for the 2008 contest.
Accordingly, after just a few months in the US Senate, Barky was given the go-code to begin his
presidential campaign, and the Rockefeller-Soros-Trilateral-Bilderberg-CFR-RAND-Skull and
Bones-Chicago Boys-foundation network went into high gear.
This unparalleled combination of financier factions and interest groups is prepared to spend
something approaching half a billion US dollars for the purpose of creating an Obama regime.
These are admittedly depreciated dollars, but this is still an impressive investment. Obama has now
emerged as the greatest Pluto-candidate in all of American history, a figure who is leading historical
characteristic may appear to future observers in the form of the unprecedented money machine
which his wealthy backers have assembled around the vapid utopian slogans and hollow messianic
rhetoric of the Hope Pope. Obama’s rich supporters, it should be obvious, are not paying through
the nose in this way because they find these demented slogans compelling. Rather, they are paying
top dollar for direct access to political power – naked, brutal, crushing, pitiless political power. In
this they are like Fritz Thyssen, a friend of Prescott Bush and the author of a book entitled I Paid
Hitler, a man who was not interested in Hitler’s idiotic and primitive views about race and history,
but was rather looking for a steady supply of slave laborers for the factory complexes that grow up
around the concentration camps. Obama, it must be added, is a far more degraded and abject
puppet then Jimmy Carter ever was, if only because he has been indoctrinated for a much longer
time. With Obama in the White House, and large Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress
standing ready to rubber-stamp his crimes, the financiers will be in a position to pursue their