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(Nandana) #1



“Barack Obama is wheezing to the finish line.” - Chris Wallace, Fox News
“My faith in the American people has been vindicated.” –Obama in Florida, May 21, 2008.
PATROCLUS :Well said, adversity! and what need these tricks?
THERSITES: Prithee, be silent, boy; I profit not by thy talk:
thou art thought to be Achilles’ male varlet.
PATROCLUS: Male varlet, you rogue! what’s that?
THERSITES: Why, his masculine whore.

  • Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida.

The initial goal of the Obama-Trilateral forces was to stun all opposing candidates, and
especially Senator Clinton and Senator Edwards, by winning decisive victories in Iowa and New
Hampshire, and then setting up a clamor with the help of their brigade of media whores to demand
that all opposition candidates drop out and allow the acclamation of the Perfect Master as the
Democratic candidate. For Obama strategy to work optimally, it was essential that the Democratic
primary process be brought to an end as soon as possible, so as to rule out any possibility that
Obama’s real background might be investigated. All during 2007, the controlled corporate media
had failed abysmally in their normal task of informing the public about who this slick and
newcomer really was, including most emphatically his past associations, his own track record in
politics, and his current handlers, backers, and controllers. More accurately, the controlled
corporate media had succeeded in their appointed task of preserving a seraphic aura of post-
partisan, post-racial, post-political transcendence around their charismatic protégé. It was clear to
all that Obama’s pretensions as a messianic liberator could never stand up to even the most cursory
scrutiny. Therefore, it was essential that the primaries be ended as soon as possible so that Obama
could seize the nomination while most people still had no idea who he was. Obama was like a con
man who went from town to town plying his trade, but was always aware that he had to fleece his
dupes and move on before too long, since if he tarried, there was a good chance that his con job
strategy would be diagnosed by the authorities and he would be apprehended.

Obama strategy was that of a CIA people power coup or US backed color revolution as these
models have been applied in the Orange Revolution in Kiev, Ukraine in late 2004, and in the roses
revolution in Tiflis, Georgia a few years earlier. The color revolution model for subverting a
political process under the cover of an election included the presence of a telegenic and talented
demagogue and mob orator, the use of vast sums of money and narcotics, savvy exploitation of the
social networking sites on the Internet, the creation of an artificial media hysteria stoked by
intelligence agents inside the controlled media, catchy slogans, colors, and emblems for branding
purposes, fake polling, and rent-a-mobs and dupe-a-mobs of feckless and callow youth — the
swarming adolescents who can be easily mobilized in large numbers. These were the methods
which the Obama forces set in motion in Iowa during the winter of 2007-2008. At this time,
Senator Clinton had unwisely accepted the advice of her corrupt and mediocre campaign manager
Mark Penn, who had recently published a book arguing that there would be no more big upheavals
in American politics, but only a series of micro trends which had to be exploited one by one by
smart politicians aiming to win. The stupidity of Penn’s thesis could not have been in greater

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