6 Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography
But the books by Obama himself are only the beginning of the cloud of obfuscation and deception
which envelops the Perfect Master. There are easily two dozen biographical studies of the Illinois
Senator, and they are almost without exception characterized by fawning adulation, adolescent hero
worship, and messianic hagiography. They add up to so many versions of the Life and Miracles of
St. Barack the Good. I have found it easy to dispense with the vast majority of these meretricious
and venal little books. One or two exceptions do stand out: there is, for example, Shelby Steele, a
kind of black neocon, who makes many intelligent observations about Obama’s character.
Then there are the hard-line neocon critics of Obama. Some of them have managed to perform
an important public service by forcing the odious figures of the gangster Tony Rezko, the Reverend
Jeremiah Wright, the terrorist William Ayers, and the terrorist Bernardine Dohrn — all of whom
belong to Obama’s immediate social circle — into the public eye in the face of hysterical opposition
by NBC, MSNBC, The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the other assorted media whores
for Obama. But, for any task of analysis more complicated than the straight exposing and outing of
Obama’s rogues’ gallery of personal friends and associates, the neocon methods break down and
often lapse into absurdity. The biggest absurdities are that Obama is really a Moslem, or else that
Obama is really a Marxist AND Communist.
We state emphatically here at the outset: Obama is a creature and puppet of finance capital and
of the Wall Street bankers and investment bankers, as represented by the Trilateral Commission,
Bilderberger Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones Society, Ford Foundation, and
Chicago School of Friedmanite economics. The family business which Obama inherited from his
mother (a Ford Foundation anthropologist and counterinsurgency operative who also worked for the
World Bank and the US Agency for International Development) was to work for foundations. And
this is what Obama has done in his life, working at various times for or with the Gamaliel
Foundation, the Woods Fund, the Joyce Foundation, the Annenberg Foundation, and other
foundations and entities which notoriously look to the Ford Foundation for guidance and leadership.
Obama is best described as a foundation-bred counterinsurgent, that is to say an operative in the
service of the US financier ruling class whose task it is to wreck and abort any positive outcomes
that might be forthcoming from the political ferment which is shaking the globe, and above all from
the deep political upsurge which is clearly at hand in this country.
Obama claims to be a uniter, but the simplest empirical survey will show that he is the most
explosive divider seen in this country in decades, since he has succeeded in splitting both the
Democratic Party and the US population in general according to the classic fault lines of white
against black, black against Hispanic, black against Asian, black against Jewish, men against
women, old against young, rich against poor. Having seen Obama accomplish all of this in less
than a year and a half on the campaign trail, we can confidently predict that an Obama presidency
would in all probability put the United States well on its way to civil war. Giving Obama and his
financier controllers the White House would represent an act of national suicide for this country,
with the most catastrophic implications for the world as a whole. This analysis is corroborated by
the fact that Obama, alone among all the protagonists of the 2008 presidential contest, possesses
either a postmodern fascist mass movement, or a very plausible facsimile thereof. These are the
lemming legions who are not supporting a program of measures that the government might take, but
who are hysterically loyal to and obsessed with Obama as a fantasy figure and charismatic savior –
in other words, as an emerging fascist leader. As those who lived through Italy in 1922 and
Germany in 1933 remind us in the writings they have left behind, there is simply no comparison
between a normal, corrupt, bourgeois parliamentary regime and a fascist seizure of power. These