Environmental Biotechnology - Theory and Application
124 Environmental Biotechnology as factors such as high organic content, fine soil particles and water-logging all provide favou ...
Aerobes and Effluents 125 Table 6.3 Horticultural waste process liquor analysis before and after 85-day aeration treatment and t ...
126 Environmental Biotechnology Figure 6.2 Turbine sparger aeration system Table 6.4 Illustrative oxygen transfer rates for aera ...
Aerobes and Effluents 127 Figure 6.3 Trickling filter The filter is designed to permit good drainage and ventilation and in addi ...
128 Environmental Biotechnology applications, but a clinker and slag mix is generally said to give some of the best results. The ...
Aerobes and Effluents 129 The general properties of the filter media were discussed earlier. In respect of sizing the system, th ...
130 Environmental Biotechnology Figure 6.4 Schematic activated sludge system clarifier for secondary sedimentation. The first el ...
Aerobes and Effluents 131 input effluent. This brings significant benefits to the speed of processing achieved since otherwise, ...
132 Environmental Biotechnology to shearing, which in turn favours the floc-forming bacteria. As these thrive and produce quanti ...
Aerobes and Effluents 133 Foaming can be a significant and unsightly nuisance in operational facilities and, as has been discuss ...
134 Environmental Biotechnology the total active biomass content in an activated sludge system, which is termed the mixed liquor ...
Aerobes and Effluents 135 The shaft contains the wastewater to be treated, compressed air being blown in at the base, which trav ...
136 Environmental Biotechnology safe operational procedures and, in addition, leads to accelerated corrosion of the equipment us ...
Aerobes and Effluents 137 Membrane Bioreactors This system, instead of utilising conventional methods of gravity settlement, ach ...
138 Environmental Biotechnology themselves. Since the membrane allows gaseous transport while constraining the biological phase, ...
Aerobes and Effluents 139 forms of solid waste, a proportion have been consigned to either landfill or incineration. For some tr ...
140 Environmental Biotechnology Continued from page 139 One particularly interesting example, put forward by the University of R ...
Aerobes and Effluents 141 Continued from page 140 offtake is typically of high quality. The excess biomass arising is dewatered ...
7 Phytotechnology and Photosynthesis From a practical standpoint, phytotechnology is the use of plants in environmental biotechn ...
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