Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1
480 Notes to Pages 240-254

  1. Hamann, Briefwechsel, IV, p. 210. On October 6, he asked Hartknoch to give him
    a copy of Kant's Critique, should he become its publisher. By the end of the month
    it was certain that Hartknoch would be the publisher (Hamann, Briefwechsel IV,
    pp. 226, 230, 232).

  2. Borowski, Leben, p. 103.

  3. Jachmann, Kant, p. 162.

  4. Ibid.
    n. Compare Vorländer, Kant, II, p. 108.

  5. Benno Erdmann, Reflexionen Kants zur kritischen Philosophie. Aus Kants hand¬
    schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen herausgegeben (Stuttgart and Bad Canstatt: frommann-
    holzboog, 1992, originally Leipzig 1882/1884), pp. 315^ (Ak 18, p. 64).

  6. Hamann, Briefwechsel, IV, pp. 292f.

  7. Hamann, Briefwechsel, IV, p. 312; see also Vorländer, Immanuel Kant, I, pp. 2Öif.

  8. The short account I offer of the contents of the Critique of Pure Reason will not,
    of course, do justice to Kant's work. It is meant only as a first introduction, and
    the reader, who is interested in understanding it better should consult one of the
    many good works that are available in English. No one seriously interested in Kant's
    Critique can ignore Henry Allison, Kant's Transcendental Idealism: An Interpretation
    and Defense (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1986), and Paul Guyer,
    Kant and the Claims of Knowledge (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).

  9. More precisely: the physico-theological argument presupposes the cosmological
    argument, and the cosmological argument in turn presupposes the ontological
    argument. Thus both arguments presuppose the ontological argument and fail for
    that reason.

  10. Ak 10, p. 270; Kant, Correspondence, tr. Zweig, p. 96.

  11. Ak 10, p. 341; Kant, Correspondence, tr. Zweig, pp. iO2f.

  12. Ak 10, p. 345; Kant, Correspondence, tr. Zweig, p. 106.

  13. Ak 10, p. 346; Kant, Correspondence, tr. Zweig, p. 107.

  14. Mendelssohn, Morgenstunden (in 1785).

  15. Reinhard Brandt, "Feder und Kant," Kant-Studien 80 (1989), pp. 249-264; see
    also Kurt Röttgers, "J. G. H. Feder - Beitrag zu einer Verhinderungsgeschichte
    eines deutschen Empirismus," Kant-Studien 75 (1984), pp. 420-41. See also
    Walther Ch. Zimmerli, "'Schwere Rüstung' des Dogmatismus und 'anwendbare
    Eklektik'. J. G. H. Feder und die Göttinger Philosophie im ausgehenden 18.
    Jahrhundert," Studia Leibnitiana 15 (1983), pp. 58-71.

  16. Hamann, Metakritik (Werke, ed. Nadler, III, p. 283).

  17. For an extended discussion of Hamann's relationship to Kant, see Heinrich We¬
    ber, Hamann und Kant (München, 1904). For the significance of Hamann's library,
    see Immendorfer, Johann Georg Hamann und seine Bücherei.

  18. Hamann, Briefwechsel, III, p. 418.

  19. See Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena zu einer jeden künftigen Metaphysik die als Wis¬
    senschaft wird auftreten können, ed. Rudolf Malter (Stuttgart: Philip Reclam Jun.,
    1989), pp. 200—205 (Beilage 3: "Die Gotha Rezension").

  20. Ak 8, pp. 3f. (see also Ak 10, p. 280).

  21. See pp. 351-355, this volume. Later that year (April 18) the Newspaper published
    another article by Kant, namely his "Announcement to Doctors," which intro-

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