Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1

504 Notes to Pages 387-391

  1. See Timothy F. Seilner, "Introduction" to Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel, On Im¬
    proving the Status of Women, tr. Timothy E Seilner (Detroit: Wayne State Univer¬
    sity Press, 1979), pp. 28f.

  2. Seilner, "Introduction" to Hippel, On Improving the Status of Women, p. 29.

  3. See Timothy F. Seilner, "The Eheeiferer in Goethe's Wahlverwandtschaften: Could
    Mittler be Hippel?," in Königsberg. Beiträge, ed. Kohnen, pp. 321-334, p. 328.

  4. Abegg, Reisetagebuch von 1798, p. 254.

  5. Scheffner, Mein Leben, pp. 126—8.

  6. Scheffner, Mein Leben, p. 129.

  7. Scheffner, Mein Leben, p. 130: "He tried to hide his materialism almost more than
    his proclivity to enjoy bodily pleasure."

  8. Borowski, Leben, p. 79 (Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 432). Borowski
    claims that was the way he always acted, i.e., that he was very concerned when some¬
    one among his friends was sick, but never visited the sick. When someone died,
    he no longer spoke of his illness and death. Yet, he remembered and continued to
    speak of his interactions with the dead friend.

  9. Akn,pp. 472f.

  10. Ak 11, p. 505; see also pp. 371, 434.

  11. See Beck, The Elusive T in the Novel: Hippel, Sterne, Diderot, and Kant, and "Kant
    and the Novel," pp. 27if. Actually, there had been rumors about the book before.
    See Arthur Warda, "Kants Erklärung wegen der v. Hippeischen Autorschaft,"
    Altpreussische Monatsschrift 41 (1904), pp. 61-93.

  12. Ak 12, pp. 360-1. The declaration is dated December 6, 1796.

  13. Ak 12, p. 361.

  14. Ak 13, pp. 537, 540.

  15. Compare all this to Beck, The Elusive T, p. 111.

  16. Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 442 (see also Ak 13, p. 473).

  17. Hasse, Ansichten, p. 29.

  18. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 184.

  19. Maker, Kant in Rede und Gespräch, p. 353.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Reicke, Kantiana, p. 32.

  22. Reicke, Kantiana, p. 40. Friedrich Nicolai had published several essays critical of
    Kant at that time. See Friedrich Nicolai, Philosophische Abhandlungen in Gesammelte
    Werke, vol. 11, ed. Bernhard Fabian and Marie-Luise Spieckermann (Hildesheim:
    Olms, 1991).

  23. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 104.

  24. See also Warda, "Kants Erklärung," pp. 9if.

  25. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 245.

  26. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 252.

  27. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 255.

  28. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 202.

  29. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 247.

  30. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 255.

  31. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 192.

  32. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 238.

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