Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1
Notes to Pages 392—400 505

  1. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, pp. i47f., 184, 229. Compare Malter, "Königsberg und Kant
    im'Reisetagebuch,'" p. 14.

  2. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 184.

  3. I follow Malter, "Königsberg und Kant im 'Reisetagebuch,'" p. 19, in this list.

  4. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 249.

  5. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 147.

  6. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 148.

  7. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, pp. 186—191.

  8. Abegg, Reisetagebuch, p. 202.

  9. See Schubert, Kants Biographie, pp. 165-8, and Warda, "Die Kant-Manuscripte,"
    pp. 35if. There were just ten senators, the ten most senior full professors. Though
    Kant did not go to the meetings, he probably voted in absentia.

  10. Translated from Vorländer, Kants Leben, II, p. 270.

  11. This does not mean that he did not extensively rewrite the material. See Ak 23,
    pp. 209-419, for some of Kant's early drafts of these books.

  12. Ak 23, p. 403. "Vigorous health" is a translation of the state of being "blühend
    gesund" or "vegetus." Kant claims in this context that he has no memory of how he
    felt in his childhood.

  13. See pp. 227-228 of this volume.

  14. Ak8,p. 395.

  15. Ak 8, p. 389.

  16. Ak 8, pp. 411-422. Though the article appeared nominally in December 1796, it
    was published only in July 1797. Apart from these essays, Kant published only two
    short pieces in his name in 1796, namely the Appendix to Sömmering's book On
    the Organ of the Soul, which he had written in 1795 (see p. xxi, this volume), and
    a short note on how to solve a mathematical dispute.

  17. Ak8, p. 419.

  18. See Mary Gregor, "Introduction," in Kant, Metaphysics of Morals, p. 7, and Bernd
    Ludwig, "Einleitung," Immanuel Kant, Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre,
    ed. Bernd Ludwig (Hamburg: Meiner, 1986), for instance.

  19. Gregor, "Introduction," in Kant, Metaphysics of Morals, p. 8.

  20. I keep the translations "metaphysical foundations of right" and "metaphysical
    foundation of virtue." Gregor translates, more literally, "metaphysical first prin¬
    ciples of the doctrine of right" and "metaphysical first principles of the doctrine
    of virtue."

  21. Kant, Practical Philosophy, p. 387 (Ak 6, p. 230).

  22. Kant, Practical Philosophy, p. 388 (Ak 6, p. 231).

  23. Kant, Practical Philosophy, p. 409 (Ak 6, p. 255).

  24. Kant, Practical Philosophy, p. 406 (Ak 6, p. 246).

  25. I am indebted in this account to John Ladd's paper on "Kant on Marriage" read
    at the Midwest Study Group of the North American Kant Society at Purdue Uni¬
    versity in the fall of 1997.

  26. Kant, Practical Philosophy, pp. 45of. (Ak 6, pp. 3o6f.).

  27. Otfried Hoffe, Immanuel Kant, tr. Marshal Farrier (Albany: State University of New
    York Press, 1994), p. 181.

  28. Kant, Practical Philosophy, p. 457 (Ak 6, p. 314).

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