Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1
532 Index

Biester, Johann Erich, 275, 294-95, 3°8, 337, Christianity, xii, 3, 11-13, 35-6, 38,46-7, 53,
339, 363-64, 372 62, 71, 76, 79—80, 81, 119, 120, 122—23,
Bilguer, J. U., 4Ö2n22 131,138, 150-51, 207, 216, 224-26, 275,
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 49811105 365, 370-71, 375, 378, 380, 382, 395,
Blumenberg, Hans, 456nioi 427m, 435n8i, 443^8,478ni55
Bock, Johann Georg, 65, 69-71, 75, 125, 127 Chubb, Thomas, 80
Bock, Friedrich Samuel, 159, 207, 391 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 48, 62, 278-79,
Boehm, Ludwig, 45—6 280-82, 287, 484n6, 485m 1
Bohlius, Johann Christoph, 95 civil society, 222, 289, 398^99, 428m 1
Böhme, Hartmut and Gernot, 15, 33, Clarke, Samuel, 44Öni28
42Ön52, 42Ön53, 430^0, 431^5, Cleß, David Jonathan, 158
4Öin22, 479n4 Collegium Fridericianum, xii, xv, 34, 36-7,
Bolotov, Andrej, 123-24, 456 45-6, 48, 51-2, 54-5, 62-3, 71, 74, 111,
Borowski, Ludwig Ernst, xi, xix, 3,7—13, 125, 188,229, 278, 425^3,432^3, :
S—:6, 31, 39—40, 42, 49, 77-78, 81, 86, 434n74,436^7, 438n8, 44on34,
88, 95, 97, 100, 106-7, I09> in—12, 116, 442n62, 457ni27
125, 128, 129,140, 148, 156, 157,172, Collingwood, R. G, 459niÖ3
220-21, 240, 270, 320, 334, 342, 356, comets, 65, 79, 83-4, 86, 89, 94, 98, 445nio2,
379, 391, 393, 4^2 5n26, 43on3i, 435^5, 445m°4,445mo6
438nio, 443nÖ9, 446m 14, 446ni24, compatibilism, 330
452n30, 453n58, 457m 18 Constant, Benjamin, 402,403
Boscovich, Roger Joseph, 103, 44Öni28, constitution, French, 341
45ini3 corpuscularianism, 489ni2Ö
Bosse, Heinrich, 449ni57~58 Cottingham, John, 468ni35
Boswell, James, 152 Crusius, Christian August, xvii, 101, 103,
Böttiger, Karl August, 454n8i 122-24, 129—30, 132, 136, 139, 141, 176,
Brahl, Johann, 323,392, 493^32, 494nrj 178, 197, 206, 215, 447ni3Ö, 448ni4i,
Brandt, Reinhard, 18, 458ni56, 47on23, 457ni37, 46yni53
472n42, 48on22, 5O3n2i2, 5o6n83 Cudworth, Ralph, 47oni9
Breidert, Wolfgang, 45ini3 Cunde, Johannes, 49, 50, 436mg
Brenning, Emil, 459m 64 Curtius, 48, 62
Brunschwig, Henri, 43gni3 Cutrofello, Andrew, 5ogni43
Bucher, Urban Gottfried, 445^8 Czygan, P., 424^4, 47Öni27
Buck johann, 88, 118, 125, 188-89, 207,
444n81 D'Alembert, Jean Le Rond, 44Ön 128
Budde, Johann Franz, 74 Davies, Martin L., 464, 465, 470, 492n2O9
Buffon, Georg Louis Leclerc, 294 death, 2, 13, 80, 133, 150, 154, 174, 293, 392,
Burke, Edmund, 184, 348, 376, 5omi84 406, 409, 414, 422, 5O4ni3
Burton, Robert, 151-52, 462^4 Defoe, Daniel, 24
Butler, Samuel, 4Ö2n22 deism, 80, 260—1
Democritus, 99, 304
Caesar, Caius Julius, 48 Der Teutsche Merkur, 343, 352, 497ni87
Cäsar, Wolfgang, 508m 15 Derham, William, 141
calculus, 84, 444m8i Descartes, Rene, 15, 67, 83,90, 93, 102, 140,
Campbell, George, 275 303, 304, 42Ön5i, 447ni32, 4Ö8ni35,
Campe, Joachim Heinrich, 229 489ni2Ö
Carl, Wolfgang, 472n42 Desjardins, Gregory, 485ni2
Cartesianism, 75, 89, 90, 178, 263, 45oni72 determinism, 93, 308, 330, 365, 379
Cassirer, Ernst, 18, 42Ön6i, 428mo, Di Giovanni, George, 497^5, 5O2ni95
446m 12, 458ni55 Dietzsch, Stefan, 438, 464, 465, 474, 490,
catechism, 401, 435n8o; Luther's, 47, 318; 502
moral, 42,401; religious, 42 Dillon, Franz, duke of, 114
Catherine the Great, 22, 126 Dobbek, W. J., 443^7, 457ni28, 459ni64
Challet, Jacob, 44911155 Dohm, Christian Wilhelm, 222, 428ml,
Christiani, Carl Andreas, 74, 188, 217 476ni3i

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