English Literature
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) by Bacon. The inhabitants of Atlantis have banished Phi- losophy and applied Bacon’ ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) did more practical experimenting than the Elizabethan sage; and the latter’s famous ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) hear the power and stateliness of the English language. Here is a single sentence, ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) colonization schemes and visions of an El Dorado to fill the eyes and ears of the c ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) Europam Persecutionum Commentarii. On his return to Eng- land Foxe translated this ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) try, and to preserve the memory of all his countrymen who added to the glory of the ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) from which Shakespeare took the characters and many of the incidents for three grea ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) Such an age, of thought, feeling, and vigorous action, finds its best expression in ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) Classical plays, and the Melodrama. Marlowe is the great- est of Shakespeare’s pred ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) Boas’s Shakespeare and his Predecessors; Symonds’s Shake- speare’s Predecessors in ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) Lyly’s Euphues, in Arber’s Reprints; Endymion, edited by Baker; Campaspe, in Manly’ ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) What were our first plays in the modern sense? What influence did the classics exe ...
CHAPTER VI. THE AGE OF ELIZABETH (1550-1620) literary work? his chief educational work? Why is he called a pioneer of modern sci ...
CHAPTER VII. THE PURITAN AGE (1620-1660) HISTORICAL SUMMARY THE PURITAN MOVEMENT.In its broadest sense the Pu- ritan movement ma ...
CHAPTER VII. THE PURITAN AGE (1620-1660) aimed to make men honest and to make them free. Such a movement should be cleared of al ...
CHAPTER VII. THE PURITAN AGE (1620-1660) simple pleasures were forbidden, and an austere standard of living was forced upon an u ...
CHAPTER VII. THE PURITAN AGE (1620-1660) pieces, like a ship in the breakers, and in the confusion of such an hour the action of ...
CHAPTER VII. THE PURITAN AGE (1620-1660) life and work of Bunyan, or appreciate the heroic spirit of the American colonists who ...
CHAPTER VII. THE PURITAN AGE (1620-1660) the open enemies of the people; the country was divided by the struggle for political a ...
CHAPTER VII. THE PURITAN AGE (1620-1660) who followed King Charles with a devotion of which he was unworthy; and the name Spense ...
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