Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

why it can be so valuable to work at an opening of perception:
when achieved according to our principles, the opening allows you
to step out of the manas-mind. The main point is not so much to
see auras and non-physical worlds but to see from ‘out of the
mind’. Then you start existing out of the cage.
Now you can understand better why it has been constantly
repeated in this book that the essence lies not in what you see, but
in the fact of seeing. In terms of spiritual development, the
content of the visions is secondary compared to the breakthrough
out of the layer of usual mental consciousness. The people who
spend too much energy trying to analyse the symbolic meaning of
their visions often miss this point completely.

  • Building the eye
    By remaining permanently focussed between the eyebrows, you
    quicken the evolution of the eye to a considerable degree. The eye
    is nurtured by your awareness. Moreover, you establish a
    connection that allows spiritual guides and helpers to give energy
    and support. It is their function in the first stages of your
    spiritual development to come and chisel your subtle organs of
    clairvoyance. Their task is greatly facilitated if you maintain a
    constant vigilance. Truly, the awareness that you are aiming at is a
    connected one. Instead of saying ‘be aware in the eye’ one could say
    ‘remain connected through your focus in the eye’. If you devote
    yourself to establishing a certain permanence in the eye, the
    feeling of connection with your own energy will become more and
    more obvious.
    Persistence in this work also fosters several physiological changes
    in the nerves and glands that are related to the third eye. The
    third eye itself is not physical, it is an organ of energy. It belongs
    mainly to the etheric and astral bodies. Yet some physical
    structures in the vicinity are connected to it, and undergo a deep
    transformation as your awakening proceeds: the pituitary gland
    for instance, and at a later stage, the pineal gland. These two are
    invariably mentioned by occultists of all kinds when discussing the
    third eye. However, in-depth clairvoyant investigation reveals that
    significant changes also take place in other structures, such as the
    cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone (through which the nerves
    from the nasal mucosa reach the brain), the optic chiasma, the
    frontal air sinus, the sphenoid air sinus, and the ventricles of the
    brain (cavities filled with liquid inside the brain).

Chapter 9 – Awareness

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