Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

being subject to the least turbulence, move fastest, pulling along the
outer water filaments in their wake. The outer water filaments cre-
ate the turbulence that keeps the riverbed clear of silt, becoming
infused with trace elements and nutrients, and building up its inter-
nal charge of pure energy that is released as the longitudinal vortex
weakens (Schauberger called this release the 'energy cannon').
Then there are the transverse vortices that form at right angles to
the bank. These are caused as a lower layer of laminar-structured
water slips faster than the layer above it. These mix the water, but at
the same time cool it, because the water temperatures within the
centre of these vortices are identifiably cooler than those without, the

Fig. 11.5. Energy release in the
As the longitudinal vortex forms at a bend in the
river (see Fig. 11.3), the water cools and grinds
sediment, releasing nutrients into the river; when
the vortex slows down after the bend, the water
warms in the now shallower riverbed and begins
to deposit its store of nutrients and trace elements;
then just before a new vortex starts to form in the
reverse direction at the next bend, energy is
released into the environment; Viktor
Schauberger called this the 'Energy Cannon.' If
the river has been badly regulated, this discharge
could be of damaging energy.


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