Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

Cobbald, Jane The Spiral Dance — A Look at Viktor
Schauherger's Life & Work; — not quite published.
(Viktor's descriptions of what he saw, his explanations of
Nature's processes that he observed, and the inventions he
developed as a result of his understanding.)
Cook, Nick The Hunt for Zero Point. Century, 2001.
(A veteran aeronautical editor investigates how the US
military/defence programme might have befitted from
German WWII secret weapons development. A fascinat-
ing story of the search for anti-gravity and powerless
flight which indicates that Schauberger was its pioneer.)
Cori, Patricia The Cosmos of Soul. Gill and
Macmillan (Gateway), 2001. (An introduction to cos-
mic science.)
Cowan, David and Girdlestone, Rodney Safe as
Houses? Ill Health and Electro-stress in the Home.
Gateway, 1996. (A well-researched and useful guide to
electromagnetic and geopathic stress.)
Edwards, Lawrence The Vortex of Life. Floris Books,

  1. (Fascinating research into Nature's patterns, par-
    ticularly on the geometry of bud growth.)
    Emoto, Masaru The Message from Water. Hado
    Publishing, Vol.1,1999, vol.2, 2001. (Remarkable
    photographs of ice crystals demonstrating water's ability
    to record resonances (hado) of different energy qualities,
    of thoughts, emotions and of music. Vol. 1 is more gener-
    al, of social icons, vol. 2 more personal (e.g. family life),
    vol. 3 Love Thyself, the power of prayer. See Resources.
    Captions and brief text in Japanese and English.) For a
    fuller description of Emoto's research and ideas see:
    —, The Hidden Messages in Water, Beyond Words
    Publishing, 2004. (In addition to the readable text,
    there is a good selection of photographs.)
    Gelbspan, Ross The Heat is On. Perseus, 1997. (A
    study of global warming issues.)
    Grohman, Gerbert The Plant. Steiner, 1974. (An
    anthroposophical study of the plant.)
    Groves, Barry Fluoride, Drinking Ourselves to Death?
    Gill and Macmillan, 2001. (Readable and a reliable

Hageneder, Fred The Spirit of Trees. Floris Books,
—, The Heritage of Trees. Floris Books, 2001.
(Impassioned and inspiring study of the lore of trees —
spiritual, symbolic, historical and scientific.)
Ho, Mae-Wan Genetic Engineering, Dream or
Nightmare? Gateway, 1998. (Widely regarded as pro-
viding the most sustained and reasoned challenge to
many of the scientific assumptions underlying genetic
—, The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of
Organisms. World Scientific, 1993. (A holistic, cam-
paigning biologist.)
Jenny, Hans Kymatik/Cymatics. Basilims, 1945.
Johnson, Steven Emergence. Scribner; Allen Lane,

  1. (How complex systems can arise spontaneously as
    part of Nature's evolutionary imperative.)
    Lattacher, Siegbert Viktor Schauberger — Auf den
    Spuren des legendaren Naturforschers (On the
    track of the legendary Natural Researcher).
    Ennstaler, 1999. (The first significant biography of
    Viktor Schauberger. It concentrates on his wartime
    Lovelock, James Gaia, A New Look at Life on Earth.
    Oxford, 1979.
    —, The Ages of Gaia. Oxford, 1988.
    —, Gaia, The Practical Science of Planetary
    Medicine. Gaia, 1991.
    —, Healing Gaia, Practical Medicine for the Planet.
    Gaia, 1991; Harmony, 1991. (The scientist of Gaia
    who will never get his deserved Nobel prize because the
    Establishment doesn't like pioneers.)
    Lusar, Rudolf Secret Weapons of World War II.
    Manning, Jeane The Coming Energy Revolution.
    Avery, 1996. (A good overall assessment of alternative
    sources of energy)
    Marks, William The Holy Order of Water. Bell Pond,

  2. (A passionate study of water lore and science,
    from ancient Greece to our present challenges of pollu-
    tion and ecological destruction.)

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