Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
And then in the more technical areas of life-building energies which
we will cover in the relevant chapters:

gravitation and levitation
electricity and magnetism
oxygen and carbones
centrifugence and centripetence
negative temperature gradient and positive temperate gradient

What is the correct proportion by which the negative should domi-
nate? Ancient Chinese society was very much taken up with these
questions, and they believed the ratio of the correct balance was
three-fifths (60%) to two-fifths (40%). Viktor Schauberger, who
worked very intuitively, particularly on the temperature gradients
in water, came up with two-thirds to one-third (66.7%). Callum
Coats, who worked with Viktor's son Walter, a mathematician and
physicist, related the proportion to the sacred geometric ratio of
(phi) which is 1.618, which gives the negative share of 61.8%.^
The interaction and combination of opposites is found through-
out all natural processes. It is true of heat and cold. The crucial
interplay of heat and cold is found in many life-forms. Some types
of fruit and seeds cannot germinate properly unless they have been
exposed to frost. Brussels sprouts are best after the first frost!
Growth is dependent on the right combination of heat and cold.
There is, however, no such thing as stable equilibrium, which
would bring immobility and uniformity with which evolution
would be impossible. Development and evolution in the dynamic
Universe depend on an inherent imbalance, since movement is
always occurring somewhere between one extreme and the other.

Gravity and levity

Gravity is recognized as a powerful physical force in the Cosmos.
However, Viktor Schauberger demonstrated that its opposite, levity,
is tremendously important in Nature. That levity is not acknowl-
edged by conventional science presumably has to do with its being
one of these more subtle energies which are anathema to the reduc-
tionist mindset. Without levitation, fish would have great difficulty
swimming upstream in a strong current, and we would not have
majestic trees reaching for the heavens; only ground-hugging


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